Autograph letter signed.
4to. 5¼ pp. on bifolium and single leaf.
€ 450.00
To M. Coiffier, titular advisor of the Imperial University in Napoleonic France, with thanks for a letter from Mainz, discussing the French reorganisation of the Italian school system after the creation of new (often ephemeral) academies, about school budgets, recommending the lowering of taxes for the "Pères des Ecoles Pies", mentioning several names of schools such as the "College Cortone", "College Modegliana", "College de Sienne", "College de Florence" and its director Father del Ricco, the academy of Pisa and its director Sproni, as well as the municipal colleges of Arezzo, and further discussing "Luoghi di Monte" (public debt securities): "Cette considération que j'avais crû pouvoir faire valoir dans cette circonstance ne sera par perdue, et ne mangera par d'être appréciée en d'autres occasions par la Sagesse de S. E. Le Grand Maitre, et du Conseil de l'Université, et surtout pour tacher de diminuer encore La charge des Taxes universitaire, charge qui est très choquante pour les habitudes de ce pays-ci [...]".
"Les difficultés militaires de Napoléon, à partir de 1812-1813, empêchent cependant, le plus souvent, une réelle mise en place de l’institution académique et les recteurs de ces ressorts géographiques sont soumis à des tensions extrêmes" (Jean-François Condette, "'Traitres fatigués' ou élites administratives?", Histoire de l’éducation, 97 [2003], p. 41). Neri Corsini also succeeded in negotiations on behalf of the Accademia della Crusca which took place in Paris between 1812 and 1814 and led to the rescue of the Riccardiana Library. The collection had been auctioned and sold in 1813, was acquired by the municipality of Florence "especially for the use of the Accademia della Crusca", and finally ceded to the Tuscan state two years later.
With traces of old mounting, ink slightly bleeding to versos in some places.