Rouget, Marie, known as Marie Noël, French poet (1883-1967). 3 autograph letters signed, 2 postcards signed, 1 letter signed, 1 autograph visiting card signed, and 1 fragmented letter signed.

Auxerre, Paris, and Diges, 1942-1955.

Various formats. Together 11 pp. With two autograph envelopes, 2 original photographs, and 2 newspaper clippings.


Correspondence with her publisher Maurice Delamain of Librairie Stock, concerning their professional relationship and private matters. In the earliest letter from 8 May 1942, Noël confirms the receipt of royalties, mentions a forthcoming publication, her fragile health, and negotiations with Garnier for the publication of one of her poems in an anthology, having suggested to reprint a poem from the 1936 publication "Chants sauvages".

A beautiful letter with New Year wishes from 1 January 1944 is of a mostly private nature. The anecdote of her latest "literary adventure" with Louis Aragon is worth quoting in full: "Aragon had asked me to write a poem for the thousandth issue of his Journal... I gave it to him, and the poem appeared on the front page alongside a drawing by Picasso. The people at Lettres Françaises were so proud of their issue that they had had it bound in crimson red and offered each of the writers who had contributed to it a large print of the Picasso! So here I was, in possession of a work of art of which I was not sure what to make of, [and] it induced a diabolical sensation of picasso-ing myself, as the drawing - a bouquet - resembled those I drew when I was eight years old on my dolls' notebooks".

On 12 July 1945, Noël reminds Delamain that they had agreed to publish "Le Chemin d'Anna Bargeton" without illustrations, except for typographical ornaments. For a republication of "Le Rosaire des joies", on the other hand, Noël gives her publisher free rein.

In a dictated letter from 18 June 1952, Noël describes her slow recovery from a serious illness, asks for "some volumes", and expresses her hope that there will be "a distinguished print for diplomatic relations" of "Les Chansons et les Heures" one day.

The earlier postcard dated 12 December 1952 was to thank Delamain for negotiating with the music publisher Éditions Philippo concerning one of her poems. Finally, in a postcard from 5 January 1955, addressed to an employee of Stock, she asks for proofs of "Les Chansons et les Heures" for corrections.

Occasional minor tears and some browning.

Stock Code: BN#58570 Tag: