Rabaud, Henri, French conductor and composer (1873-1949). 3 autograph letters signed and 1 autograph visiting card signed.

Paris, Muids (Eure), and n. p., 1919-1930.

8vo and visiting card format. Together 5 pp.


Professional correspondence, mostly from Rabaud's time as director of the Paris Conservatory. The earliest letter from 6 July 1919 is to inform a friend as to when he will be home for a meeting.

On 29 July 1929 he writes to the Courrier Musical, informing the recipient that he has received a letter from a M. Imbert in relation to the journal.

An undated visiting card is to recommend the young composer and pianist Simone Féjard as a "remarkable musician" to the unnamed recipient: "Permettez-moi de recommander à votre bon accueil Mademoiselle Simone Féjard, qui voudrait vous montrer trois chœurs - et vous verrez tout de suite quelle remarquable musicienne elle est. Je serais heureux s'il vous était possible de faire entendre ses œuvres".

Two letters from 1930 on stationery of the Paris Conservatory concern a meeting (5 January) and Rabaud's opinion on a recording (27 July). Rabaud had received two records and marked his preferred recording with "meilleur". In closing, he asks the recipient to send test takes of Saint-Saëns's symphonic poem "Le Rouet d'Omphale", op. 31, to the Conservatory.

Occasional stains.

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