David, A., French actor (fl. 1st half of the 19th century). 2 autograph letters signed.

N. p. o. d.

8vo. Together 1¾ pp. on bifolia. With autograph addresses.


A letter to a M. Laurent suggests that David played at the Comédie-Française for some time, as it is written on stationery of the theatre. In the letter, he asks Laurent to visit him the following day.

The second letter is addressed to the important director Anténor Joly (1799-1852) at the Théâtre Ventadour. David reminds Joly of his promise to "occupy himself with my return to the theatre" and remarks bitterly that "with a bit of kindness and goodwill and, above all, the oblivion of an old grudge" Joly could already have placed him in several performances: "Je crois qu'il est nécessaire que je rappelle a Monsieur Anténor que je suis encore de ce monde et qu'il m'a fait une promesse, celle de s'occuper de ma rentrée au théâtre. Avec un peu de bienveillance et de bon vouloir et surtou l'oublie d'une vielle rancune il aurait certes déjà pu me placer dans une des nombreuses pièces en répétition [...]".

Traces of folds and seal. The letter to Joly with embossed monogram, several tears and stronger browning to the address leaf.

Stock Code: BN#59634 Tag: