Invitation to dance for Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Marcel Breuer
Collective letter with the signatures of 68 teachers and students of the Bauhaus in Weimar.
Large folio (ca. 46,3 x 20,4 cm). Blue ink (text) and pencil (signatures) on paper. 4 pp.
To the ballet dancers and choreographers Albert Burger and Elsa Hötzel in Stuttgart, who had, together with Oskar Schlemmer, conceived the famous "Triadisches Ballett" (Triadic Ballet), cordially inviting them to perform the piece on the occasion of the 1923 Bauhaus Week in Weimar: "Wir Bauhäusler möchten Sie so von ganzem Herzen bitten kommen Sie doch mit Ihrem Ballett zur Bauhauswoche hierher. Sie wissen garnicht, was für eine grosse Freude Sie uns allen damit bereiten würden auch sind wir überzeugt, das Ihr Auftreten in diesen Tagen sehr viel zum Gelingen der Festwoche verhelfen könnte".
The charming letter is signed by no fewer than 68 "Bauhäuslers", including some of the art school's most prominent members: among the teachers who signed the letter are, in order of appearance, Gunta Stölzl, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Georg Muche, Lothar Schreyer, and Josef Hartwig. The students include Kurt Schmidt, Dörte Helm, Ida Kerkovius, Erich Consemüller, Marcel Breuer, Andreas Feininger, Felix Klee, Lily Klee, Kurt Schwerdtfeger, and Farkas Molnár. Both Paul Klee and Wassily added brief notes for the recipients. Klee wrote: "Nachdem ich soviel Schönes über Ihre Leistung gehört habe, würde ich mich sehr freuen, wenn Weimar zum Genuss Ihrer Kunst käme".
Burger and Hötzel followed the invitation of the Bauhaus and enjoyed a successful performance of their ballet on 16 August 1923 in the theatre in Weimar.
Stamped with the "Sternenmännchen" logo of the Bauhaus, designed by Karl Peter Röhl. Traces of folds. Formerly separated into two parts, affecting two of the signatures, but professionally repaired. Some yellowing and very minor stains. Contemporary punched holes.