An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith. (And:) Mawa'iz sharifah wa-alfaz mukhtasarah laifah [Honourable Sermons].
4to (198 x 240 mm). 240 ff. Arabic manuscript on paper. Black naskh script with important words and phrases picked out in purple. Contemporary red morocco decorated in blind.
€ 1,500.00
An Arabic manuscript of Orthodox faith: two important works by fathers of the Eastern Orthodox Church, translated into Arabic and present in a single manuscript. These two texts were the work of John Chrysostomus (John the "Golden-mouthed", 347-407 CE), Patriarch of Constantinople, and of John of Damascus (b. ca. 675 CE), an Arab Christian monk. Hinting at the location in which this manuscript was copied, both works are eminently suited for Arabic-speaking Christians living alongside Muslim communities. Reflecting John of Damascus's own life as an Arab Christian (who was reputed to be on respectful terms with his Muslim neighbours), 'An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith' was specifically designed to defend those aspects of Orthodoxy which provoked the greatest number of theological critiques from Muslim theologians, such as the Trinity (which resulted in accusations of polytheism) and the virgin birth of Jesus. John Chrysostom's sermons, which form the bedrock of Orthodox liturgy and the second half of this volume, were also particularly involved with discussion of the Trinity, hypostasis, and similar theological topics.
Alongside these two texts are Christian poems and other ephemeral additions.
With an unidentified Arabic blindstamp repeated throughout.
Covers professionally retouched in places. Paper somewhat brittle and browned, with some chipping and closed tears.