
Showing items 49–96 of 318 (Asia)

  • [China]. Photograph album.China, ca. 1926.

  • [China]. Original watercolour of Chinese costume.Probably Britain, ca. 1800.

  • [China]. Monats-Berichte der Deutsch-Chinesischen Stiftung. 1. Jahrgang.Kassel, 1847.

  • [China]. [Military Formations According to the Five Stars and the Crescent].Beijing, ca 1850.

  • [China]. Photograph album.China, 1910-1917.

  • [China]. Photograph album.China, ca. 1919-1941.

  • [China - Album]. Album einer Schiffspassage von China nach Deutschland via Nordamerika von …Shanghai, Kobe, Tokio, Yokohama, Honolulu, Pearl Harbour, San Francisco, Mariposa, Kansas City, Chicago, New York und Hamburg, 1937.

  • [China - Beijing: Khanbaliq]. Flemish / Dutch school. Cambalv.Likely Antwerp or Amsterdam, circa 1590.

  • [China - Cultural Revolution]. [Diary of a Chinese opera troupe member].China, 1964-1965.

  • [China]. - Hourst, Émile, French naval officer and explorer (1864-1940). Autograph letter signed.No place or date, but early 1901 ?.

  • [China - Imperial Workshop]. Album showing Chinese military formations ["Five Stars and the Crescent"].Beijing, ca. 1850.

  • [China - logbook]. Journal geführt an Bord des Bark Schiffes Anna / Capitain C. Eisenmenger …Printed form: Hamburg, 1869-1872.

  • [China - Photography - Chinese Revolution]. War Scenes of the Chinese Revolution, Book 1.Shanghai, 1912?.

  • [China and the U.S.]. Central Intelligence Agency. China. Provisional Atlas of Communist Administrative Units. CIA/RR GR 59-20.Washington, DC, 1959.

  • China. [Secret British Military Report]. Reports on Kwangtung and Fukien Provinces.Hong Kong, 1926-1928.

  • Chinese Association for the Study of Ancient Bronze Drums. Ancient Chinese Bronze Drums.Peking, 1988.

  • [Chinese Drawings]. Eight watercolours.China, early 19th century.

  • [Chinese musicians]. Four drawings of female Chinese musicians playing musical instruments.China, late 19th or early 20th century.

  • [Chinese Muslim prayerbook]. Al-salamu ‘alayka [Peace be unto you].Quanzhou, 1582 CE = 990 H.

  • [Chinese rites controversy, Vicariate of Western Tonkin.] - Huan, François, Vietnamese missionary (fl. 1750). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by the Vicar Apostolic of Western …Tonkin, 20 Dec 1750.

  • [Chinese rites controversy, Vicariate of Western Tonkin.] - Kinh, Paul, Vietnamese missionary (fl. 1744). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by Jean-Louis Roux M.E.P.Tonkin, 26 Jul 1744.

  • [Chinese rites controversy, Vicariate of Western Tonkin.] - Phan, François, Vietnamese missionary (fl. 1750). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by the Vicar Apostolic of Western …Tonkin, 16 Aug 1750.

  • [Chinese school]. Erotic painting.China, Qing Dynasty, mid-19th century.

  • [Chinese school]. A suite of ten erotic paintings.China, Qing Dynasty, mid-19th century.

  • Chung Ling Soo [i. e., William Ellsworth Robinson], American illusionist (1861-1918). Photographic portrait, signed in ink "Chung Ling Soo".No place, ca. 1912.

  • Churchill, Awnsham & John. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some Now First Printed from Original …London, 1744-1746.

  • [Compagnie des Indes]. État actuel de l'Inde, et considérations sur les établissemens & …London & Paris, 1787.

  • [Confidential British Government Memoranda on the Trucial Coast]. Memorandum of information received during the month of January [-December] …Calcutta, 1911.

  • [Costumes]. Neu-eröffnetes Amphitheatrum [...] aus dem Gantzen America [...] Asia …Erfurt, 1723-1728.

  • Crasset, Jean, SJ. Außführliche Geschicht der in dem äussersten Welt-Theil gelegenen Japonesischen …Augsburg, 1738.

  • Dalrymple, Alexander. Remarks on a Passage from P. Warwoor, to the Strait of Sunda, The Macklesfeild-Strait …London, 1789.

  • [Dalrymple, Alexander]. - Taylor, Robert. [Drop-title:] Capt. Taylor's remarks, in ship Ceres.London, 1787.

  • Danielow, Iwan. Carte des europäisch- und eines Theils des asiatisch-russischen Reichs …Vienna, 1812.

  • D'Anville, [Jean Baptiste Bourguignon] / Schrämbl, Franz Anton. Karte von Asien. [Map of Asia].Vienna, 1786.

  • Das, Sarat Chandra. Narrative of a Journey Round Lake Yamdo (Palti), and in Lhokha, Yarlung, …Calcutta, 1887.

  • David, John Francis. Hien wun shoo. Chinese Moral Maxims, with a free and verbal translation; …London and Macao, 1823.

  • Davoust, Jean, French missionary in Vietnam and Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonkin (1728-1789). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by the Vicar Apostolic of Western …Vinh, 28 Feb 1755.

  • Desceliers, Pierre. Lithographed facsimile of the world map painted on vellum for Henry II, …Paris, 1852.

  • Dionysius Periegetes. De situ orbis habitabilis.Venice, 1478.

  • Duong Van Minh, Präsident von Südvietnam (1916-2001). Portraitphotographie mit eigenh. U.O. O., 1 Jul 1964.

  • Durini, Carlo Francesco, Italian cardinal, Apostolic nuncio in France, and bishop of Pavia (1693-1767). Document signed twice.Paris, 18 Feb 1746.

  • [Dutch East India Company] - De Haan, Gerrit. Manuscript sea chart of the coasts of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam, …Jakarta, 1759.

  • [East Asia - Lagrené mission]. Ship's log of the "Archimède".At sea between Macao and Calcutta, 1846.

  • [East India Company]. Discours op verscheyde voorslaghen rakende d'Oost en West-Indische trafyken. …No place or printer, 1645.

  • Edkins, Joseph. A grammar of the Chinese colloquial language commonly called the Mandarin …Shanghai, 1864.

  • [Eggermont, Isidore Jacques]. Le Japon. Histoire et religion.Paris, 1885.

  • Enomiya-Lassalle, Hugo Makibi, Jesuit und Zen-Meister (1898-1990). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.Tokyo, 29 Apr 1977.

  • Ermakov, (Dmitri Ivanovich). [The fire on the oil field in Baku].Baku, Azerbaijan, 1880s.


Showing items 49–96 of 318 (Asia)

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