Astronomy, Astrology
Showing items 145–192 of 228 (Astronomy, Astrology)
7 eigenh. Briefe mit U.London und Oxford, 1859 bis 1871.
€ 500.00 -
[Pawukon]. Illustrated manuscript in Malay.Malaysia or Indonesia, 1895-1896.
Inquire -
Astronomicon. A Iosepho Scaligero ex vetusto codice Gemblacensi infinitis …Leiden, 1600.
€ 2,500.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.London, 30 Nov 1865.
€ 150.00 -
2 eigenh. Briefe mit U.London, 1866.
€ 250.00 -
Eigenh. Schriftstück mit U.Berlin, o. D.
€ 180.00 -
[Jami' al-mabadi' wa'l-ghayat fi 'ilm al-miqat - French]. Traité des instruments …Paris, 1834.
€ 25,000.00 -
De elementis et orbibus coelestibus, liber antiquus ac eruditus Messahalae …Nuremberg, 1549.
€ 25,000.00 -
Autograph letter signed.Greenwich, 20 Jun 1798.
€ 1,200.00 -
A collection of six treatises.No place, probably 19th century.
€ 2,500.00 -
Calculus temporum ecclesiasticus.Possibly England, ca. 1360.
€ 95,000.00 -
3 eigenh. Briefe mit U.Santiago de Chile und Kassel, 15 Nov 1857.
€ 400.00 -
Sammelband mit 37 Disputationen.Zumeist Altdorf bzw. Jena, 1684-1690.
€ 2,500.00 -
Ephemerides novissimae motuum coelestium. Pars prima: Ab anno 1641 ad annum …Bologna, 1650.
€ 3,500.00 -
Auserlesene mathematische Bibliothek.Nürnberg, 1820.
€ 200.00 -
[Persian astrological manuscript].No place, ca. 19th century CE.
€ 1,800.00 -
Kifayet ül-vakit li-marifet il-dair ve fazlih ve semt. - Vafiyetü'l-evkat.Ottoman Empire, ca. 1800 / late 18th or early 19th century CE.
€ 4,500.00 -
Tawdih al-Tadhkirah.Probably Persia, 16th century CE.
€ 65,000.00 -
Salacie[n]sis, de crepusculis liber unus, nu[n]c rece[n]s & natus et …Lisbon, January 1542.
€ 75,000.00 -
Relação do admiravel phenomeno, que appareceo na noyte de 5 de Agosto …Lisbon, 1732.
€ 1,800.00 -
Nuovo compendio di scienze, accresciuto e migliorato da un sacerdote Luganese. …Lugano, 1845.
€ 350.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.O. O. u. D.
€ 450.00 -
Ausschnitt mit eigenh. U.O. O. u. D.
€ 120.00 -
[Book on Astrology and Zodiac Signs].No place, early 19th century.
€ 3,500.00 -
[Calendrical and astrological manuscript].Ottoman Turkey, 1673/74 CE = 1084-1085 H.
€ 18,000.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Pest, 4 Jun 1791.
€ 500.00 -
Gedr. Visitkarte mit mehreren eigenh. Zeilen.O. O. u. D.
€ 40.00 -
Eigenh. Albumblatt mit U.O. O., 24 Feb 1901.
€ 120.00 -
Autograph manuscript signed ("Petr").No place or date.
€ 85,000.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Altona Hamburg, 2 Feb 1871.
€ 180.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U."Königliche Sternwarte bei Kiel", 12 Jul 1876.
€ 220.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Altona Hamburg, 10 Feb 1852.
€ 250.00 -
Track of His Majesty's Armed Brig Lion, from England to Davis's Streights …London, 1778.
€ 150.00 -
Adversus novam Marci Beneventani astronomiam, quae positionem Alphonsinam, …Paris, 3 May 1522.
€ 7,500.00 -
[Aja'ib al-makhluqat.] Untersuchungen über den Ursprung und die Bedeutung …Berlin, 1809.
€ 3,500.00 -
'Aja'ib al-Makhluqat wa Ghara'ib al-Mawjudat [A section of The Wonders …India, likely Deccan, 16th-17th century.
€ 45,000.00 -
'Aja'ib al-Makhluqat wa Ghara'ib al-Mawjudat [The Wonders of Creation and …Iran, ca. 18th century CE.
€ 28,000.00 -
Paper-covered wood showing coloured scales.Ottoman Empire, 19th century.
€ 1,500.00 -
Al-Tuhfat al-Shahiyya fi'l Hay'ah [The Gift to the Shah on Astronomy].Tabriz, 1583/84 CE = Dhu'l-Hijja 991 H.
€ 65,000.00 -
In Ptolemaei magnam compositionem, quam Almagestum vocant, libri tredecim …Nuremberg, 1550.
€ 12,500.00 -
Eigenh. Brief mit U.Kremsmünster, 25 Sep 1851.
€ 120.00 -
Ausschnitt mit eigenh. U.O. O., 7 May 1693.
€ 800.00 -
De motu octavae sphaerae, opus mathematica, atque philosophia plenum [...].Paris, 22 April 1521.
€ 8,000.00 -
Ausschnitt mit eigenh. U. ("Römer").O. O. u. D.
€ 1,800.00 -
Eigenh. Schriftstück mit U.Hamburg, 6 Nov 1874.
€ 160.00 -
Libellus de sphaera. Accessit eiusdem autoris computus ecclesiasticus, …Wittenberg, 1545-1549.
€ 18,000.00 -
Astronomy and agriculture.Northern Africa?, 19th century.
Inquire -
[Al-Thaqafah al-gharbiyah fi riayat al-Sharq al-'Awsat]. The Incubation …Beirut, 1952.
€ 800.00
Showing items 145–192 of 228 (Astronomy, Astrology)
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