Islamic World

Showing items 3025–3072 of 3106 (Islamic World)

  • Weiß, Victor Edler von Starkenfels / Schwarzhuber, Theodor Ritter von. Kej-Kawus in Masenderan. Aus dem Schahname des Ebu'l Kasim Manßur el Firdewsi. …Vienna, 1841.

  • Weitenweber, Wilhelm Rudolf, Arzt und Naturforscher (1804-1870). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Prag, 8 Aug 1834.

  • Weizmann, Ch[aim]. Zionist Policy. An Address [...] Sunday, September 21st, 1919.London, 1919.

  • Wells, Charles. Ilm Tedbiri Milk. "The Science of the Administration of a State"; or, An …London & Edinburgh, 1860.

  • Wellsted, J[ames] R[aymond]. Travels to the City of the Caliphs, along the Shores of the Persian Gulf …London, 1840.

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  • Werner, Heidrun. Alles über Pferde.Köln, 1991.

  • Weston, Stephen. Remains of Arabic in the Spanish and Portuguese Languages. With a Sketch …London, 1810.

  • Weyand, Johann Carl. Reisen durch einen Theil von Europa, Asien und Afrika in den Jahren 1818 …Wien, 1828.

  • Whigham, H[enry] J[ames]. The Persian Problem. An examination of the rival positions of Russia and …London, 1903.

  • White, George Ransom. Polish vs. Egyptian Arabian Horses / Polski Arabski kon a Egipski. My Visit …Nashville, 1938.

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  • Wiedemann, Eilhard / Hauser, Fritz. Über die Uhren im Bereich der islamischen Kultur.Halle, 1915.

  • Wietz, J. K. Sitten, Gebräuche und Trachten der Bewohner des osmanischen und türkischen …Prague, 1828.

  • Willmet, Johannes. Oratio de retinenda antiqua Batavorum in literis orientalibus gloria. Publice …Amsterdam, 1805.

  • Willyams, Cooper. [A Voyage up the Mediterranean in His Majesty's Ship the Swiftsure. With …London, 1802.

  • [Wilson, Arnold Talbot]. A Sketch of the Political History of Persia, Iraq and Arabia, With Special …Calcutta, 1917.

  • Winter, Anthony. L'Arabie Petree, Deserte, et Heureuse.Utrecht, 1683.

  • Wolf, Hieronymus (ed.). Historia rerum in oriente gestarum ab exordio mundi et orbe condito ad …Frankfurt/Main, 1587.

  • Wolf, Joseph. Accipiter nisis.London, ca. 1873.

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  • Wolff, Joseph. Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara, in the Years 1843-1856. To Ascertain …Edinburgh & London, 1848.

  • Wollaston, Arthur N. The Sword of Islam.London, 1905.

  • Wool work picture. Arab mounted on an Arabian horse.Prob. Britain, mid-19th century.

  • [World map]. Ottoman map of the world.N. p., ca. 1868.

  • [World War I - Baghdad and Mesopotamia]. Archive relating to the British transport corps ("Remount Depot", and "Mule …Baghdad, ca. 1917-1922.

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  • Wright, John Kirtland. Northern Arabia: The Explorations of Alois Musil. (In: Geographical Review …New York, 1927.

  • Wright, Thomas. Early Christianity in Arabia. A historical essay.London, 1855.

  • Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand. Über das Leben und die Schriften des Scheich Abu Zakarija Jahja el-Nawawi. …Göttingen, 1849.

  • Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand. Geschichte der Arabischen Ärzte und Naturforscher.Göttingen, 1840.

  • Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand. Register zu den genealogischen Tabellen der Arabischen Stämme und Familien. …Göttingen, 1853.

  • Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand / Ibn Qadi Shuhba. Die Academien der Araber und ihre Lehrer. Nach Auszügen aus Ibn Schohba's …Göttingen, 1837.

  • [WWI - Gulf Operations]. Despatches Regarding Operations in the Persian Gulf and in Mesopotamia.London, 1915.

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  • Yahya bin Abd al-Mu'ti az-Zawawi / Sjögreen, Erik. Jahja bin 'Abd el-Mu'ti ez-Zawawi's Kitab el-Fusul. Kap. I-II. Akademisk …Leipzig, 1899.

  • Yahya Naci Efendi. [Introducing electricity through experiments].Constantinople, 1812 CE = 1227 H.

  • [Yalta Conference]. Al-Ithnayn wa-al-dunya. No. 559.Cairo, February 1945.

  • Placeholder

    Yamani, Abu Ya'qub Ishaq ibn Yusuf al-Sardafi al-. Kitab al-Kafi fi Mukhtasar al-Hisab al-Hindi.Mecca, 1562/63 CE = 970 H.

  • Yaqut al-Rumi al-Hamawi / Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand (ed.). Jacut's geographisches Wörterbuch aus den Handschriften zu Berlin, St. …Leipzig, 1866-1873.

  • Yazicioglu Mehmed. Kitab al-Muhammadiyah (Kitâbü Muhammediyye fî na'ti seyyidi'l-âlemîn …Ottoman Empire, 1600 / late 16th or early 17th century CE.

  • Yehca, A., Egyptian Foreign Minister. Autograph quotation signed ("A. Yehca"). In French.Paris, 24 Jan 1932.

  • [Yemen]. Manuscript map of administrative divisions and wadis of Yemen.No place, ca. 1970s.

  • [Yemen]. Bahr as Safi. Asia North E-39.London, 1949.

  • [Yemen]. Manuscript map of Yemen Vilayet.Probably Istanbul, ca. 1915.

  • [Yemen]. North Yemen: Collection of photographs.Taiz, ca. 1962.

  • [Yemen & Egypt]. Two glass paintings for a laterna magica, showing Aden and Alexandria.No place, mid-19th century.


Showing items 3025–3072 of 3106 (Islamic World)

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