
Showing items 337–384 of 398 (America)

  • Standard Oil. Standard of California. Bulletin May 1948. Vol. XXXIII, No. 5.California, May 1948.

  • Standard Oil Company. Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) 1964 Annual Report.New York, 1964.

  • Standard Oil Company. The Lamp. Vol. 35, No. 4.New York, 1953.

  • Stanley, Henry Morton, African explorer (1841-1904). Autograph letter signed.Pirbright, Surrey, 18 Aug 1902.

  • [Star Wars]. - Lucas, George, Regisseur und Produzent (geb.1944). Eigenh. U. in: Paul Duncan: Das Star-Wars Archiv. Episoden IV-VI. 1977-1983.Köln, 2020.

  • Steinen, Karl von den, Mediziner, Ethnologe und Amerikanist (1855-1929). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Berlin, 19 Nov 1906.

  • Stone, Irving, amerikanischer Schriftsteller (1903-1989). Two Faces of Love. Lust for Life. Immortal Wife. Mit eigenh. Widmung und …Garden City, NY, 1962.

  • [Story, George H.]. Illustrated catalogue. Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art New …New York, 1907.

  • Stuart, Robert , Scottish-born American explorer (1785-1848). Autograph letter signed ("Robert Stuart Agt Am. Fur Co").Mackinac Island, Michigan, 13 Jun 1832.

  • Swartz, Olof Peter. Icones plantarum incognitarum quas in India Occidental.Erlangen, 1794-1800.

  • Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, French statesman (1754-1838). Autograph note signed.Probably Philadelphia or Manhattan, ca. 1794/1795.

  • [Tehran Conference]. Ten photographs taken at the Tehran Conference in 1943.Cairo, 29 Nov. - 1 Dec. 1943

  • Tesla, Nikola, Serbian-American inventor (1856-1943). Autograph letter signed ("N. Tesla").New York, 26 Jan 1894.

  • Tesla, Nikola, Serbian-American inventor (1856-1943). Typed letter signed ("N. Tesla").New York City, 27 Feb 1909.

  • [Texas - Galveston]. Souvenir of Galveston, Texas. 70 views.Columbus, Ohio, 1888.

  • [The Gravure Company of America]. The Presidents. The White House Gallery of Official Portraits of the Presidents.New York & Washington, 1901.

  • Trans-Arabian Oil Pipe Line Company. Tapline... The Story of the World's Biggest Oil Pipe Line.New York, January 1951.

  • Truman, Bess, First Lady (1885-1982). Typed letter signed.Independence Missouri, 18 Jun 1974.

  • Truman, Harry S., 33rd President of the United States (1884-1972). Typed letter signed.Washington, DC, 24 May 1950.

  • Truman, Harry S., 33rd President of the United States (1884-1972). Typed letter signed.Independence, Missouri, 13 Feb 1964.

  • Truman, Harry S., 33rd President of the United States (1884-1972). Typed letter signed with additional manuscript note.Independence, Missouri, 2 Apr 1958.

  • Truman, Harry S., 33rd President of the United States (1884-1972). Typed letter signed.Independence, Missouri, 4 Jun 1969.

  • Truman, Harry S., 33rd President of the United States (1884-1972). Typed letter signed.Independence, Missouri, 17 May 1967.

  • Truman, Harry S., 33rd President of the United States (1884-1972). Typed letter signed. With autograph envelope.Independence, Missouri, 12 Jun 1962.

  • Ulloa, Bernardo de. Retablissement des manufactures et du commerce d'Espagne.Amsterdam, et se trouve à Paris, 1753.

  • [United States Army]. Glossary of Arabic Words Commonly Used on Maps.Washington, D.C., September 1942.

  • United States Army School, Europe - Intelligence Department. Strategic Survey of the Middle East. (And:) Middle East - Sociological …Oberammergau, Germany, 1962.

  • U.S. Army. Untitled printed WWII document for American soldiers in the Middle East.No place or date but early 1940s.

  • [U.S. Government]. Doha. Series K963. Edition 4-NIMA, Ad Dawhah (Doha).U.S. Government, 1999.

  • [U.S. Government]. Abu Dhabi. Series K969. Edition 3-NIMA, Abu Zaby (Abu Dhabi).U.S. Government, 1998.

  • [U.S. Government]. United Arab Emirates. [Abu Dhabi]. Series K6617. Edition 1-NIMA.U.S. Government, 1997-1999.

  • [U.S. Government]. Oman. Series K968. Edition 2-NIMA, Thamarit; Edition 3-NIMA, Salalah.U.S. Government, 1999 and no date.

  • [U.S. Government]. Kuwait. Series K961. Edition 1-DMA, Al-Jahra, Al-Funaytis.U.S. Government, 1991.

  • [U.S. Government]. Kuwait. Series K961. Edition 5-NIMA, Al-Ahmadi.U.S. Government, 1998.

  • [U.S. Government]. Saudi Arabia City Graphic. Series K9611. Edition 1-NIMA.U.S. Government, 1997.

  • [U.S. Government]. Saudi Arabia City Graphic. Ra's Tannurah. Series K9611. Edition 1-DMA.U.S. Government, 1994.

  • [U.S. Government]. Saudi Arabia City Graphic. Series K9611. Edition 1-NIMA, Al Kharj. Edition …U.S. Government, 1998.

  • [U.S. Government]. Kuwait. Series K6614. Edition 1-DMA (6), 2-NIMA (2), 3-NIMA (1).U.S. Government, 1994, 2002 and 2003.

  • [U.S. Government]. Kuwait. Series K961. Edition 12-DMA, Al Kuwayt.U.S. Government, 1993.

  • [U.S. Government]. Saudi Arabia City Graphic. Riyadh. Series K9611. Edition 5-NIMA (3), 4-DMA …U.S. Government, 1997 and no date.

  • [U.S. Government]. Saudi Arabia City Graphic. Series K9611. Edition 1-NIMA, Tabuk; Edition …U.S. Government, 1997 and 1998.

  • [U.S. Government]. Saudi Arabia. Series K663. Edition 1-NIMA, Ra's al Khafji; Edition 1-DMA, …U.S. Government, 1994 and 1997.

  • [Usselinx, Willem]. Onpartydich discours opte handelinghe vande Indien.Amsterdam?, 1608.

  • Vance, Jack, American writer (1916-2013). Album leaf signed.No place or date.

  • Varre, André de la, leading travelogue filmmaker and Academy Award winner (1902-1987). Collection of 205 picture postcards, postcards, letters and photographs …Various places, 1930s to 1960s.

  • Varthema, Lodovico di. Itinerario de Ludovico de Varthema Bolognese nello Egitto, nella Soria, …Venice, April 1535.

  • Veidt, Conrad, Schauspieler (1893-1943). Portraitphotographie mit eigenh. Namenszug auf der Bildseite.O. O., 1937.

  • Vianna, Manoel José. Manuscript portolan chart of the Atlantic Ocean, including Western Europe, …Porto, 1786.


Showing items 337–384 of 398 (America)

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