General manuscripts

Showing items 337–384 of 587 (General manuscripts)

  • Lehmann, Lilli, Sopranistin (1848-1929). "Das Geheimnis der Stimmbänder". Eigenh. Manuskript mit Namenszug im Titel.O. O., um 1909.

  • Leidinger, Georg. Verzeichnis der wichtigsten Miniaturen-Handschriften der Kgl. Hof- und …München, 1912.

  • [Leopold I] - Santinelli, Hieronymus (Pseud.?). Panegiris Leopoldi Primi Roman. Imperat. sacrae scripturae verbis contexta. …Probably Austria, second half of the 17th century?.

  • Lepsius, Karl Richard, German linguist and Egyptologist (1810-1884). (De armatura). Arma Graecorum, Romanorum, gentiumque Barbarorum. Recensuit …Paris, ca. 1833-1835.

  • Lesznik, Maximilian Alois. Die Freien Stunden in Italien in drei Theile bearbeitet und Seiner Hochgebornen …O. O., 1849.

  • [Letter-writing manual - Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott]. Briefe, und Abhandlung vom guten Geschmacke in Briefen.Probably Germany, ca. 1810.

  • Lewinsky, Josef, Schriftsteller und Schauspieler (1835-1907). Eigenh. Schriftstück.O. O. u. D.

  • Lewinsky, Josef, Schriftsteller und Schauspieler (1835-1907). "Struensee". Eigenh. Gedichtabschrift mit Namenszug im Titel.O. O., 1866.

  • Lichtenstein, Marie. Atlas historique. Souvenir de ma Classe Supérieure.Sacré-Coeur d'Aix en Provence, 1864.

  • [Lienz in East Tyrol]. Accounting booklet of St. Michael am Rindermarkt in Lienz.Lienz, 1511/1512.

  • Lindner, Arthur. Der Breslauer Froissart von [...]. Festschrift des Vereins für Geschichte …Berlin, 1912.

  • [Linguistics]. Kitab tarjamah fi al-lughah [The Book of Translation].Ottoman Empire, 1531 CE = 938 H.

  • [Linz-Pöstlingberg]. Ehrenbürgerdiplom für Franz Serafin Frhr. von Obenaus.Pöstlingberg, 18 Feb 1861.

  • [Liturgy - Divine Offices]. Ordine da osservarsi nell'oratorio di Santa Maria di Passione, circa gli …Compagnia di Santa Maria della Passione, Milan, 18th century.

  • [Loubet, Émile]. Voyage présidentiel. M. E. Loubet en Algérie et Tunisie. 15 Avril 1903.Algeria and Tunisia, 1903.

  • Madabighi, Hasan ibn 'Ali al-. Mawlid al-Mustafa [Birth of the Chosen One].Egypt, 1854 CE = 1271 H.

  • [Magic tricks]. Teufelselixir oder das Ganze der geheimen Magie. Oder Der kleine Hexenmeister …Germany, ca 1850s.

  • Mahdi Ahmad bin Yahya al-Murtada al-Hasani al-Yamani. Durar al-Fara'id Sharh Kitab al-Qala'id fi Tashih al-Aqa'id [Unique Pearls: …Southern Arabia, most likely Yemen, 1445/46 = 849 H.

  • [Malay manuscript]. [Pawukon]. Illustrated manuscript in Malay.Malaysia or Indonesia, 1895-1896.

  • Malvezzi, Virgilio / [Calchum, Wilhelm von (Übs.)]. Der verfolgete David / Herren Marggrafen Virgilio Malvezzi.Wohl Deutschland, um 1643 / Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts.

  • [Manuscript - Calligraphy - French]. [Illustrated French calligraphic manuscript].Probably France, ca. 1640-1645 / after 1643?.

  • [Manuscript map of Yemen and the Red Sea]. Hitta-i Yemaniyye ve civari haritasidir [Map of the country of Yemen and …Ottoman Empire, 2 April 1911 CE = 20 March 1327 Rumi.

  • [Manuscript prayerbook]. Form zu betten unser liebe[n] frawen mantel, Gebet. [Incipit:] Cegrüest …Ravensburg?, ca. 1670.

  • [Manuscript ship's journal]. HMS "Agincourt". Manuscript ship's journal.Chusan, Hong Kong, Singapore and other places, 1844-1845.

  • [Mappa Mundi - Africa and Asia]. Hand-drawn map of the Southern Hemisphere.No place, 17th or early 18th c.

  • [Maps of Egypt]. Manuscript maps of Khamarah.Probably Egypt, later 19th century CE.

  • Maqdisi al-Wa'iz, 'Izzadin 'Abdassalam ibn Ahmad ibn Ghanim al-. Kashf al-asrar fi hikma al-tuyur wa al-azhar [Unveiling the Mysteries about …Ottoman Empire, 1690/91 CE = 1102 H.

  • Maragha'i, Rukn al-din Awhadi [known as Awhad al- din Isfahani]. Jam'i Jam [The Cup of Jamshid].Timurid Herat, 1459/60 CE = 863 H.

  • [Marcel, Jean-Joseph? Islamic coins and medals.Paris?, ca. 1791-1817?.

  • [Maria Beatrice d'Este, Herzogin von Massa und Carrara (1750-1829)]. Sentimenti In occasion della Festa onomastica di dua Altezza Reale l'Archiduchessa …O. O., um 1780.

  • Marian legends. Illuminated manuscript in Ge'ez on vellum.Ethiopia, late 18th century.

  • Mark Twain (i.e., Clemens, Samuel Langhorne), American writer (1835-1910). [Tom Sawyer: A Play]. Autograph working notes.No place, probably late 1883 or early 1884.

  • [Masud, Ahmad ibn Ali ibn / Taftazani]. Anthological manuscript on Arabic morphology.Ottoman Turkey, 1621 AD = 1031 H.

  • [Mathematical manuscript]. A collection of six treatises.No place, probably 19th century.

  • Mayer, Lieven. Der hochen Deutschen Ritterordens Buech [...] (= drop-title on fol. 5r).Germany, after 1606 and probably before 1618.

  • [Medical manual and recipe book]. Examen: Vor ein Neuer angehender Chirurgus, der sich will examiniren lassen, …Franconia and Alsace Augsburg, Nuremberg, Strasbourg, 1800-1826.

  • [Medical manuscript]. Pharmacopoeia Pauperum or the Hospital Dispensatory.N. p., mid-18th century.

  • [Medical manuscript]. Tazkirah 'ata’ tabib Dari’sh-Shifa’.Eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire, early 18th century ca. 1720.

  • [Medical manuscript]. "Ein bewert artzini bochelein". Medical manual and recipe book.Germany, 15th and early 16th century.

  • [Medici]. Albero cronologico della famiglia de' Medici comprovante il ramo di essa …No place, c. 1745/1750.

  • [Medieval medical manuscript]. Fragments from four leaves from a medical treatise.France, early 13th century.

  • [Medieval timekeeping]. Calculus temporum ecclesiasticus.Possibly England, ca. 1360.

  • [Medizinische Handschrift]. Manuskript über die Therapie der Gonorrhoe.O. O., ca. 1845.

  • Mehmed Sâlim Efendi. [Mehmed Sâlim Efendi Rûznamçesi]. Rûznâmçe-i Hazret-i Sâlim Mehmed …Constantinople, 1731 CE = 1143 H.

  • [Mehmed VI]. Ottoman travelling firman.Constantinople, ca. 1918-1922.

  • [Merovingian manuscript and Greek papyrus]. The Rental of the Abbey of St Martin's in Tours. (And:) St Ephraim the …St. Martin's Abbey, Tours, second half of the 7th century or ca. 700, and Egypt, 6th or 7th century.

  • [Meurer, Noe]. Wie weidmennisch vonn allem Weydwerkh zu reden.Probably Southern Germany, ca. 1590 / later 16th century.

  • [Militärgeschichte]. Erinnerung beym Exerciren.O. O. u. D., ca. 1780.


Showing items 337–384 of 587 (General manuscripts)

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