
Showing items 49–96 of 205 (India)

  • Churchill, Awnsham & John. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some Now First Printed from Original …London, 1744-1746.

  • Collingwood, William, R.I.N. surveyor (fl. 1840s-1860s). Journal of a voyage from London to Bombay.On board the "Oriental", 1846.

  • [Compagnie des Indes]. État actuel de l'Inde, et considérations sur les établissemens & …London & Paris, 1787.

  • [Confidential British Government Memoranda on the Trucial Coast]. Memorandum of information received during the month of January [-December] …Calcutta, 1911.

  • Cooper, Frederic Henry. The Crisis in the Punjab, From the 10th of May Until the Fall of Delhi, …Lahore, 1858.

  • Coverte, Robert. A True and Almost Incredible Report of an Englishman, that (being cast …London, 1631.

  • Cubero Sebastian, Pedro. Peregrinacion que ha hecho de la mayor parte del mundo [...].Zaragoza, 1688.

  • Cubero Sebastiano, Pedro. Peregrinazione del mondo.Naples, 1683.

  • D'Anville, [Jean Baptiste Bourguignon] / Schrämbl, Franz Anton. Karte von Asien. [Map of Asia].Vienna, 1786.

  • Das, Sarat Chandra. Narrative of a Journey Round Lake Yamdo (Palti), and in Lhokha, Yarlung, …Calcutta, 1887.

  • Deshpande, Purushottam Yashwant, Indian writer (1899-1986). 4 (1 autograph and 3 typed) letters signed.Varanasi, 1955-1977.

  • Dihlavi, Mir Ghulam Hasan Sahib. Anwar al-nujum [The Lights of the Stars].Lucknow, 1876/77 CE = 1293 H.

  • [Dow, Alexander / Bergier, Claude François (transl.)]. Dissertation sur les moeurs, les usages, le langage, la religion et la …Paris, 1769.

  • Durand, Algernon [George Arnold]. The Making of a Frontier. Five Years Experiences and Adventures in Gilgit, …London, 1899.

  • [East India Company]. Discours op verscheyde voorslaghen rakende d'Oost en West-Indische trafyken. …No place or printer, 1645.

  • Faik Bey, Mühendis. Seyâhatnâme-i Bahr-i Muhit.Istanbul, 1868 CE = 1285 H.

  • [Farasnama]. Farasnama [The Coloured Book of Horses]. Hippiatric manuscript.India, ca. 1800 CE.

  • Faria y Sousa, Manuel de. Asia Portuguesa.Lisbon, 1666, 1674-1675.

  • Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, leader of India during the Indian independence movement (1869-1948). Photograph of Mahatma Gandhi seated with Sir Richard Casey, Governor of …Calcutta, December 1945.

  • [Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand ("Mahatma")]. Private collection of ten early biographies and works supporting Gandhi.Various places, 1923-1949.

  • Giri, V. V., fourth President of the Republic of India (1894-1980). Newspaper clipping signed (on reverse).No place or date.

  • Giri, V. V., fourth President of the Republic of India (1894-1980). Portrait photograph signed.No place or date.

  • Govinda, Anagarika, geb. Ernst Lothar Hoffmann, Schriftsteller, Kunstmaler und Gründer des Ordens Arya Maitreya Mandala (1898-1985). 2 ms. Briefe mit eigenh. U.Larkspur und Mill Valley beides Kalifornien, 1978.

  • Grandpré (Degrandpré), L[ouis Marie Joseph O’Hier comte de]. A voyage in the Indian Ocean and to Bengal, undertaken in the year 1790 …Brattleboro, Vermont, 1814.

  • (Greaves, G[eorge] R[ichards]). Kabul Papers. Compilation of Orders relating to the Clothing, Equipment, …Simla, 1883.

  • Gregh, Fernand, French poet and critic (1873-1960). Autograph lettercard signed.By Doubs, 22 Aug 1922.

  • Grenier, Jacques de. Mémoires de la campagne de découvertes dans les mers des Indes [...].Brest, 1770.

  • Grindlay, Captain Robert Melville. Scenery, Costumes and Architecture, Chiefly on the Western Side of India.London, 1830 plates watermarked 1848.

  • Guerreiro, João Tavares de Velez. Jornada, que Antonio de Albuquerque Coelho, governador, e capitaõ general …Lisbon, 1732.

  • [Gueullette, Thomas Simon]. Le maravigliose avventure del mandarino Fum-Hoam. Novelle cinesi divise …Venice, 1751.

  • [Gueullette, Thomas Simon]. Le maravigliose avventure del mandarino Fum-Hoam. Novelle cinesi divise …Venice, 1726.

  • Halevy, Asher Isaiah, Jewish mystic (1849-1912). Sefer Shomer Ha’brit (The Book of the Guardian of the Covenant) and other …Calcutta, 1886.

  • Hamilton, Alexander. A New Account of the East Indies. Giving an exact and copious description …London, 1744.

  • Herbert, D. (Confidential.) Report on Successions to Siemships in the Khasi States.Shillong, 1903.

  • Holstein, Prosper. Contribution à l'étude des armes orientales.Paris, 1931.

  • [Hossain, Syud]. Johnson, Alexander. Representative American Orations to Illustrate American Political History …New York & London, 1886.

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  • Hunter, William Wilson. The Imperial Gazetteer of India.London, 1881.

  • Husain, Zakir, third President of India (1897-1969). Portrait photograph signed.No place or date.

  • Hyde, Thomas. Mandragorias, seu historia shahiludii.Oxford, 1694.

  • [I Ching]. Wilhelm, Richard / Baynes, Cary F. (transl.) / Jung, Carl Gustav (foreword). The I Ching or Book of Changes.London, 1965.

  • Ibn al-Nafis al-Qarashi, Ala'addin Abu 'l Hasan Ali / Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Kitab al-Mujaz fi al-Tibb [A Summary of Medicine].Northern India or Central Asia, 16th-17th century CE.

  • [Ibn Sina (Avicenna)]. Jaghmini al-Khwarizmi, Mahmud bin Muhammad bin Omar al- / Abd al-Fattah bin Syed Ismail al-Husaini al-Lahuri. Sharh al-qanunchah al-Jaghmini [Commentary on the Small Canon].Likhi, Gujarat, India, Sept./Oct. 1784 CE = Dhu'l-Qa'dah 1198 H.

  • Imray, James F[rederick]. Indian Ocean.London, 1885.

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  • [India - Army, General Staff Branch]. Operations in Waziristan 1919-1920. Confidential. Compiled by the General …Calcutta, 1921.

  • [India & Burma - Sketchbook]. Blackwell, Thomas Eden. "Indian, Burmese and Swiss Sketches" A sketchbook containing numerous sketches …Various places, ca. 1826-1830.

  • [India - Mission]. Müller, Johann Sebastian (John Miller). Herr Aaron National Land-Prediger unter den Heidnischen Malabaren in Ost-Indien.Nuremberg, ca. 1740.


Showing items 49–96 of 205 (India)

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