Islamic World

Showing items 49–96 of 2805 (Islamic World)

  • Ahmad ibn Muhammad (ibn 'Arabshah). Tarikh-i Timur Gürgan [The History of Tamerlane].Qustantaniyah Constantinople, Istanbul, 1730 CE = 1142 H.

  • Ahmed Ali Khan, Afghan diplomat. Autograph quotation signed ("Ahmed Ali"). In French.Paris, 18 Apr 1930.

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  • Ahteri, Mustafa bin Semseddin. Ahter-i kebir. Arapçadan Türkçeye lügat.Istanbul, 1875 CE = 1292 H.

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  • Akbar Shah II. The Mughal Emperor Akbar Shah II and Archibald Seton, British Resident …Northern India, ca. 1850-1860.

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  • Al Ela, Mahmoud Taha Abu. Bahath fi 'iimkaniaat altanmiat alaiqtisadiat fi almamlakat alearabiat …Riyadh, 1965.

  • Al Khalifa, Isa bin Salman, Emir of Bahrain (1931-1999). Photograph signed.Manama, 1973.

  • (Al Saud, Faisal bin Abdulaziz / Al Saud, Mashour bin Saud). Hatami, Shahrokh. [Photograph album - Saudi Arabian royal family].Saudi Arabia, ca. 1959.

  • Al-Aqad, Salah. Aliastiemar fi al-Khalij al-Arabi [Colonialism in the Arabian Gulf].Cairo, 1956.

  • Al-Azami, Mustafa / Saqr, Abdel Badie. Almakhtutat alearabiat bialmaktabat alqatria [Arabic manuscripts in the …Qatar, 1964.

  • Al-Bakri, Abu Ubayd Abdallah ibn Abdalaziz / Slane, William MacGuckin (ed.). [Kitab al-Mughrib fi dhikr bilad Ifriqiyah wa-al-Maghrib. Wa-huwa juz min …Alger, 1857.

  • Alban, Piero, Venetian merchant (fl. late 15th century). Autograph letter signed.Venice, 11 Aug 1494.

  • (Albertus, Fr[iedrich] Gottl[ieb]). Die merkwürdige Lebensbeschreibung des unglücklich reisenden Uhrmachergesellen, …No place or printer, c. 1806.

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  • Al-Busiri, Abu 'Abdallah Muhammad ibn Sa'id / Rosenzweig-Schwanau, Vincenz von (ed.). Funkelnde Wandelsterne zum Lobe des besten der Geschöpfe. Ein arabisches, …Vienna, 1824.

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  • Alessandro, Giuseppe d', duca di Pescolanciano. Pietra paragone de' cavalieri, [...] divisa in cinque libri.Naples, 1711.

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  • [Alf layla wa-layla - French]. Henri, Auguste (ed.). Choix des plus jolis Contes Arabes tirés des Mille et Une Nuits.Leipzig, 1810.

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  • [Alf layla wa-layla - German]. Tausend und Eine Nacht. Arabische Erzählungen.Vienna, 1854.

  • [Alf layla wa-layla - Qissat as-Sindbad al-bahri]. Langlès, L[ouis] (ed.). [Qissat al-Sindibad al-Bahri fi sab` safaratihi fi al-barr wa-al-bahr al-Hindi-Kayd …Paris, 1814.

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Showing items 49–96 of 2805 (Islamic World)

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