Geography and Travel

Showing items 1–48 of 1123 (Geography and Travel)

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  • Abdülaziz, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1830-1876, ruled 1861-1876). Ottoman Izn-i Sefine [Sailing Permission] Firman.Konstantiniyye Istanbul, 13 November 1873 CE = 20 Sab'an 1873.

  • Abdulmejid I, Ottoman Sultan (1823-1861). Ottoman travelling firman for Sir Jacob Henry Preston.Constantinople, ca. 1840.

  • Abu al-Fida Isma`il ibn `Ali (Abulfeda). Albulfedae tabula Syriae cum excerpto geographico ex Ibn Ol Wardii geographia …Leipzig, 1766.

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  • Abu Taleb Khan, Mirza. [Masir-i Talibi, English]. The Travels of Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, in Asia, …London, 1810.

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  • Ahmed Hassan, Hafiz. Pilgrimage to the Caaba and Charing Cross.London, 1871.

  • Ainsworth, William Francis, English surgeon, traveller, geographer and geologist (1807-1896). Autograph letter signed.Hammersmith, February 1844.

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  • [Album amicorum]. - Netherlands. Friendship album of Adriaantje Anemaet.Middelharnis, Groningen, and Paramaribo, 1843-1846.

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  • Algarotti, Francesco. Lettres du comte Algarotti sur la Russie [...]. Traduit de l'Italien. Seconde …Neuchatel, 1770.

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  • [Algerien und Spanien]. Sammlung von 5 Photographien aus Algerien und Südspanien.Verschiedene Orte, 1891.

  • Ali Akbar Khitai. [Ketay-Nama]. Tercüme-i târih-i nevâdir-i Çin Mâçîn [Translation …Istanbul, 1854 CE = 1270 H.

  • Ali-Garadi, Ahmed Ibn Muhammad / Mittwoch, Eugen (transl.) Aus dem Jemen. Hermann Burchardts letzte Reise durch Südarabien. Bearbeitet …Leipzig, 1926.

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  • [Amman, Jost/Weigel, Hans. Habitus praecipuorum populorum, tam virorum quam foeminarum singulari arte …Nuremberg, 1577.

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  • Après de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste d'. Routier des côtes des Indes Orientales et de la Chine.Paris, 1745.

  • Après de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste d' / Dalrymple, Alexander. A Brief Statement of the Prevailing Winds, from Monsieur d'Apres de Mannevillette.London, 1782.

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  • [Arabian Peninsula]. Laila. North F-38. Second edition. Army/Air Style. Sales copy.London, 1944.

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  • [Arnout, Jean-Baptiste]. Promenade Pittoresque dans Paris.Paris, c. 1840.


Showing items 1–48 of 1123 (Geography and Travel)

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