Showing items 1–48 of 377 (Linguistics)
Viro pietate doctrina humanitate excellentissimo Christiano Wolterstorff …Halle, 1828.
€ 2,500.00 -
Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque du Roi.Paris, 1787-1790.
€ 2,500.00 -
West Barbary, or, a Short Narrative of the Revolutions of the Kingdoms …Oxford, 1671.
€ 1,500.00 -
Proverbii utili, e virtuosi in Lingua Araba, Persiana, e Turca [...].Padua, 1688.
€ 9,500.00 -
Bemerkungen über die Aechtheit der alten Arabischen Gedichte mit besonderer …Greifswald, 1872.
€ 450.00 -
Verzeichniss der Arabischen Handschriften der Königlichen Bibliothek zu …Berlin, 1887-1899.
€ 8,500.00 -
Ahter-i kebir. Arapçadan Türkçeye lügat.Istanbul, 1875 CE = 1292 H.
€ 450.00 -
Nuovo dizionario Italiano-Francese, composto su i dizionari dell' Accademia …Nizza & Lyon, 1788.
€ 450.00 -
Introductio in Chaldaicam lingua[m], Syriaca[m], atq[ue] Armenica[m], & …Pavia, 1539.
€ 15,000.00 -
Introductio in Chaldaicam lingua[m], Syriaca[m], atq[ue] Armenica[m], & …Pavia, 1539.
€ 15,000.00 -
Stammbuchkassette eines Theologen.Wittenberg und Jena, 1702-1707.
€ 4,500.00 -
[Hikayat Anis al-jalis]. Enis el Djelis ou histoire de la belle Persane. …Paris, 1846-1847.
€ 950.00 -
[Qissat Shams al-Din wa-Nur al-Din]. Histoire de Chems-Eddine et Nour-Eddine, …Paris, 1852.
€ 1,500.00 -
[Amtal `Ali Ibn-Abi-Talib]. Sententiae Ali Ben Abi Taleb, arabice et persice, …Jena, 1834.
€ 1,800.00 -
Caracteres et alphabets de langues mortes et vivantes.Paris, 1763.
€ 1,500.00 -
Alphabetum arabicum.Rome, 1592.
€ 28,000.00 -
Alphabetum Arabicum una cum Oratione Dominicali, Salutatione Angelica et …Rome, 1797.
€ 1,500.00 -
Alphabetum Armenum.Rome, 1673.
€ 2,500.00 -
Alphabetum Persicum cum Oratione Dominicali et Salutatione Angelica.Rome, 1783.
€ 1,800.00 -
Catalogus librorum qui ex Typographio Sacrae Congreg. de Propaganda Fide …Rome, 1773.
€ 4,500.00 -
De rapporti di Parnaso. Parte prima [= all published].Naples, 1710.
€ 250.00 -
[Grammatiqi suraya aw kaldayata (...)]. Grammatica Syriaca, sive Chaldaica.Rome, 1596.
€ 4,000.00 -
Welcome to Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia, 1980s.
€ 150.00 -
Arabic Word Forms.Dhahran, December 1952.
€ 350.00 -
The Interpreter in the Arabic and English Languages, Consisting of Nouns, …N. p., ca. 1830s.
€ 9,500.00 -
"Vocabularium italico-arabicum". Arabic-Italian dictionary.Probably Egypt, ca. 1770.
€ 18,000.00 -
[Five treatises on grammar and theology].Ottoman Empire, ca. 1748/49 CE = ca. 1162 H.
€ 2,500.00 -
[Commentary on an Arabic rhyming grammar].Iraq or Ottoman Provinces, 1682 CE = 1093 H.
€ 1,500.00 -
The Sudhoff Collection of the History of Arabic Medicine, deaccessioned …Various places, 1855-1941.
€ 95,000.00 -
Hand-carved woodblock engraved with "Safr Nishd al-Nishad li-Suleyman" …Probably Ottoman provinces, mid-18th century ca. 1750.
€ 18,000.00 -
Theoretisch-practische französische Sprachlehre für den öffentlichen, …Linz, 1839.
€ 200.00 -
[Al-Rawdah al-zakiyah lil-imtihan fi al-lughah al-'arabiyah]. Ar-Rauzatu-z-zakiyah. …Calcutta, 1905.
€ 850.00 -
Nowy Slownik kieszonkowy Polsko-Niemiecko-Francuzki. Nowe i poprawione …Wroclaw Breslau, 1834.
€ 180.00 -
Brief mit eigenh. U.Wien, 8 Oct 1878.
€ 120.00 -
La transcription de l'alphabet arabe [...].Vienna, 1860.
€ 950.00 -
A Dictionary of the Persian and Arabic Languages.Calcutta, 1804-1806.
€ 7,500.00 -
Thesaurus Arabico-Syro-Latinus.Rome, 1636.
€ 4,500.00 -
Universitati litterariae Viadrinae post tria saecula gloriose peracta Francofurti …Breslau, 1811.
€ 3,500.00 -
Eigenh. Albumblatt mit U.O. O., 30 Sep 1880.
€ 160.00 -
Nachal'noe rukovodstvo k izucheniiu arbskago, persilskago i tatarskago …Kazan, 1869.
€ 3,500.00 -
Eigenh. Lehrveranstaltungsnotiz.O. O. u. D.
€ 240.00 -
Biblia Sacra arabica, Sacrae Congregationis de Propaganda Fide iussu edita. …Rome, 1671.
€ 75,000.00 -
Orekma lun met sap. Published by the Hawaiian Board.Honolulu, 1869.
€ 2,500.00 -
Diyatheke hdatta.London, 1816.
€ 950.00 -
Codex Syriaco-Hexaplaris Ambrosiano-Mediolanensis. Editus et latine versus …Lund, 1787.
€ 500.00 -
Kitab ül-ahd il-cedid el-mensub ila rabbina Isa el-mesih [The Book of …London, 1853.
€ 3,500.00 -
Auswahl türkischer Erzählungen aus dem "Humajun-namé oder Kaiserbuch" …Vienna, 1855.
€ 650.00 -
An Introduction to the Anvari Soohyly of Hussein Vaiz Kashify.London, 1821.
€ 1,500.00
Showing items 1–48 of 377 (Linguistics)
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