
Showing items 1–48 of 783 (Science)

  • Aaronsohn, Aaron / Oppenheimer, Hillel. Tsemah 'Ever Ha-Yarden: mifkad bikoret li-tsemahim asher ne'esfu u-miktsatam …Zichron Yaakov, 1934.

  • Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus, English chemist (1827-1902). Autograph letter signed."The Arsenal", 3 Mar 1885.

  • Adams, Charles Henry, astronomer and lecturer (1803-1871). Autograph letter signed.Edmonton, 22 Apr 1851.

  • Aichinger von Aichenhayn, Joseph. Botanischer Führer in und um Wien.Wien, 1847.

  • Airy, Sir George Biddell, English mathematician and astronomer (1801-1892). Autograph letter signed ("G. B. Airy").Greenwich, London, 14 Apr 1836.

  • Akkad, Abbas Mahmoud al-. The Arab's Impact on European Civilisation.Cairo, 1961.

  • Albmair, Teodoro. I quattro elementi spiegati in venticinque discorsi [...].Florence, 1668.

  • [Album amicorum]. Album amicorum of Johann Christoph von Selpert.Berlin, Bremen, Dresden, Hamburg, Göttingen, Lausanne, Leipzig, Meißen, Regensburg, Zurich, 1768-1774.

  • [Alchemical manuscript]. An alchemist's handbook, in German. Illustrated manuscript on paper.Germany, ca. 1480/90.

  • [Alchemy]. "Opuscula Alchymica". Alchemical manuscript.Germany, 18th century.

  • [Alchemy - Persia]. Alchemical manuscript.Persia, ca. 1800 CE.

  • [Alchemy and pigment recipes]. Praeparationes variae aluminii calcinatio. [A collection of recipes for …Probably Germany, ca. 1650.

  • Aldini, Giovanni, physicist (1762-1834). Autograph letter signed ("Aldini").Milano, 18 Jun 1808.

  • Alpini, Prosper. De plantis exoticis libri duo.Venice, 1656.

  • Alpini, Prosper. De praesagienda vita et morte aegrotantium libri septem [...]. Cum praefatione …Venice, 1735.

  • Alpini, Prosper. Historiae Aegypti naturalis. (With: Plantis Aegypti).Leiden, 1735.

  • Alpini, Prosper & Bontius, Jacob. De medicina Aegyptiorum, libri quatuor. Et Iacobi Bontii In Indiis archiatri, …Paris, 1645.

  • Al-Qazwini, Zakariya Ibn-Muhammad / Ruska, Julius (ed. & transl.). Das Steinbuch aus der Kosmographie des Zakarija ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud …Kirchhain Niederlausitz, 1895.

  • Altmütter, Georg, Physiker (1787-1858). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Wien, 1 Apr 1846.

  • Amici, Giovanni Battista, Italian astronomer and microscopist (1786-1863). Autograph letter signed ("GBatt[ist]a Amici").Florence, 11 Apr 1840.

  • Ampère, André-Marie, French physicist and mathematician (1775-1836). Autograph letter signed.Paris, 8 Jul 1826.

  • Ampère, André-Marie, French physicist and mathematician (1775-1836). Autograph letter signed ("A. Ampère").Paris, 17 Mar 1811.

  • Amuli, Muhammad bin Mahmud. Nafayis al-Funun [Treasures of Sciences].Persia or Central Asia, 17th century CE.

  • Andreae, Samuel (praes.) / Jordis, Johann Philipp (resp.). Disquisitio historico-physica de sepulcro Muhammedis.Marburg, 1680.

  • Andrews, Thomas, Irish physicist and chemist (1813-1885). Autograph letter signed."Queen's College Belfast", 6 Jul 1867.

  • [Annals of Horticulture]. The Annals of Horticulture; and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening, …London, 1848-1850.

  • Antinori, Vincenzo, Physiker (1792-1865). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Florenz, 9 Jul 1842.

  • Apollonius of Perga. Conicorum lib[ri] V, VI, VII. Paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi nunc primum …Florence, 1661.

  • Appun, Karl Ferdinand, Botaniker (1820-1872). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Bunzlau, 7 Dec 1868.

  • [Arabian Gulf]. Weather in the Indian Ocean to Latitude 30° S. and Longitude 95° E. Including …London, 1940.

  • [Arabic science]. [A compendium of sciences, including chemistry and philosophy].Possibly Iran or Iraq, 1828 CE = 1244 H.

  • Arcet, Jean Pierre Joseph d', French chemist (1777-1844). ALS.N. p., 14 March c. 1813/14.

  • Arco, Georg Gf. von, Physiker und Elektroingenieur (1869-1940). Eigenhändige Sentenz mit U. und ms. ausgefülltem Formularteil.Berlin, 18 Jul 1928.

  • Ardoynis, Santes de. De venenis.Venice, 19 Jul 1492.

  • Armbruster, Ludwig, Zoologe und Bienenkundler (1886-1973). Eigenhändige Sentenz mit U.O. O. u. D.

  • Arnaldus de Villanova (Pseudo-) et al. Compilation of alchemical texts, including the Rosarium philosophorum.Austria, possibly Schwaz, 1529 and 1646.

  • Arzberger, Hans, Pharmazeut (1862-1946). Eigenh. Notiz auf Visitkarte.Wien, 23 Jun 1917.

  • Arzberger, Hans, Pharmazeut (1862-1946). Eigenh. Notiz auf Visitkarte.O. O. u. D.

  • Ascherson, Paul, Botaniker (1834-1913). 3 eigenh. Postkarten mit U.Poststempel: Berlin, 1886-1893.

  • Astronomical instruments. Sphaera armillaris. Instrumentum artificiale Orrery ab inventore appellatum.Augsburg, 1774.

  • Audubon, John James. The viviparous quadrupeds of North America.New York, 1845-1848.

  • [Augsburg - Studienanstalt St. Stephan]. Jahresbericht über die königliche katholische Studien-Anstalt bei St. …Augsburg, 1879-1917.

  • Bacon, Roger / Hildenbrandt von Hildenbrandseck, Paulus (ed.). Auriferae artis Das ist, Der Goldtkunst: Die man Chemiam nennt, Uhrälteste …Frankfurt a. M., 1597.

  • Baenitz, Carl Gabriel, Botaniker (1837-1913). Eigenh. Postkarte mit U.Poststempel: Breslau, 16 Sep 1898.

  • Baenitz, Carl Gabriel, Pädagoge und Botaniker (1837-1913). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Königsberg, 28 May 1885.

  • Baeyer, Adolf von, Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger (1835-1917). Eigenh. Brief mit U.München, 5 Jul 1902.

  • Baha' al-Din Muhammad ibn Husayn al-Amili. Kashkul [The notebook].Persia, 1654/55 CE = 1065 H.

  • Baker, John Gilbert, English botanist (1834-1920). Autograph postcard signed.Kew London, 14 Mar 1894.


Showing items 1–48 of 783 (Science)

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