Darwin, George Howard, Astronom und Mathematiker (1845-1912). Eigenh. Brief mit U.

Wohl Cambridge, 14. XII. 1902.

2½ SS. auf Doppelblatt. 8vo.


An den Physiker und Seismologen Emil Wiechert über die Frage nach den besten "surf observations": "I have consulted Admiral Sir William Wharton, the Hydrographer of the Admiralty, about the best surf observations. He thinks that the best observers would be the Light House keepers of the Dhu Artach off Mall, or the Skerries off Valentia. Applications would have to be made to the Boards of Northern Lights and of Irish Lights. He thinks that it would be advisable to provide 'forms' for entry and a full explanation of what is wanted - for it must be remembered that the observers are generally old sailors. He also says that he thinks that a fee of say £3 to each Light House would be wise [...]".

Auf Briefpapier mit gepr. Adresse. Bl. 1 am oberen Rand gelochte (minimale Buchstabenberührung).