Wilson, Edith Bolling, First Lady der USA (1872-1961). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.

[Washington], 9. IV. 1927.

1½ SS. auf 2 Bll. Kl.-4to.


An Mrs. Roland G. Hopkins vom Women's City Club of Boston: "Your letter [...] concerning your friend, Professor Salvemini, has been on my desk for several days. My delay in answering was caused by an embarrassment in which I am sure you will sympathize as your letter informed me he was anxious to secure information 'in connection with President Wilson's attitude towards Italy'. These are such very difficult and vital days for Italy - and as I had none of Mr. Wilson's papers to substantiate my recollections - I deemed it unwise to make myself his interpreter. Through Mrs. Brandeis, who thoroughly understood my position, this has been explained to Professor Salvemini, and a suggestion made that he get in touch with Mr. Ray Stannard Baker in whose possession all of Mr. Wilson's papers now are and where I am sure he will get a very sympathetic hearing [...]".

Edith Bolling Wilson war die zweite Gattin von US-Präsident Woodrow Wilson.

Auf Briefpapier mit gepr. Adresse; die Recto-Seite von Bl. 1 mit einem kleinen Fleck im weißen Rand.

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