Autograph visiting card.
1 p. Visiting card.
€ 250,00
Martin Maurice [printed] "avec ses sentiments distingués".
A wine merchant by trade, Maurice Martin was also a founding member of the Veloce Club Bordelais in the 1880s; on the side he began a literary career that would last over forty years. Besides his contributions to Veloce-Sport, he wrote for the newsletter of the Touring Club de France, and for the magazines "l'Illustration" and "La Petite Gironde". He wrote extensively about the landscape of his home region - the Landes, this work culminating in a book of prose and poetry entitled "Triptyque" published in 1923. His cycle-related journalism centred on his own travels as a cyclotourist. By 1898, he reckoned that he had covered some 130,000 kilometers over the course of twenty years in the saddle. His trips had taken him to all 44 departements (roughly equivalent to counties in the United States) in the France of that time. In addition, he had travelled by cycle to England, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. A typical trip, that of 1888, took him from his Bordeaux home to Geneva and back in the company of several other Veloce Club riders.