Boissier, Gaston, French historian and philologist (1823-1908). Autograph letter signed.

Viroflay, 9. X. [ca 1880].

Small 8vo. 1 p. on bifolium. Mounted on cardboard.


To the philosopher and critic Émile Hennequin, according to old collector's note, thanking him for the tip to consult Étienne Dupérac's famous 1575 album of Roman antiquities "Illustration des fragments antiques" in an unspecified research project: "Je vous suis très obligé du renseignement que vous me donnez. J'avais en effet négligé de consulter l'album de Dupérac, dont je me suis servi en des autres occasions. Je le trouverai aisément à la bibliothèque de l'institut et à celui des beaux-arts. [...]" - Étienne Dupérac (c. 1525-1604) was a French architect, painter, engraver, and garden designer who is best known for his topographical studies of Rome and documentation of antique monuments.

Somewhat stained.