Froude, James Anthony, Historiker und Romancier (1818-1894). Eigenh. Brief mit U.

[London], 9. II. o. J.

1½ SS. 8vo.


An eine namentlich nicht genannte Dame, hinsichtlich zweier schottischer Ausdrücke im Werke Thomas Carlyles (dessen Freund, Schüler und Biograph Froude gewesen war): "I have enquired in Scotland about the two Phrases which you require to have interpreted - Jook (& let the Jaw go by) means Duck, Dip, 'dive under' till the trouble [?] is done. I was wrong about Mall in Shaft. Mall or Mell means a mason's hammer (Carlyle's father was a mason). Shaft is the handle.

The phrase means keeping the working tools in order. Let me hear of any thing else which perplexes you [...]".

Art.-Nr.: BN#40278 Schlagwörter: , ,