Carte de la Coste d'Arabie, Mer Rouge, et Golfe du Perse. Tirée de la Carte de l'Ocean Oriental publiée en 1740. Par ordre de M. le Comte de Maurepas.
Amsterdam, Schley, [ca. 1745].
Engraved map (260 x 243 mm).
€ 250,00
The Dutch edition of Jacques-Nicolas Bellin’s map, from Prévost's "Histoire générale des voyages (Paris, 1746). "This map is perhaps the original of the maps appearing in Prévost" (Tibbetts). Map of Arabia and the Red Sea emphasizes the coastlines and the interior is primarily left blank. The shoals and navigational hazards in the Red Sea and the pearl banks off the coast of Bahrain are also noted. Decorated with a title cartouche.
Well preserved.
Tibbetts 267. Al Ankary 173. Not in Al-Qasimi.