Der isolirte Staat in Beziehung auf Landwirthschaft und Nationalökonomie.
8vo. 4 parts in 1 volume. XV, (1), 391, (1) pp. VI, (2), 285, (1) pp. XIV, (2), 444 pp. VII, (1), 144 pp. With 3 folding tables and 4 hand-coloured diagrams on 2 folding plates at the end of the first volume. Contemporary half calf over green marbled boards with giltstamped title to spine. Moirée endpapers.
€ 6.500,00
First complete edition, with the second revised edition of the first part and first editions of the following parts. Comprises: Erster Theil. Untersuchungen über den Einfluß, den die Getreidepreise, der Reichthum des Bodens und die Abgaben auf den Ackerbau ausüben. Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage.
Zweiter Theil, erste (-zweite) Abtheilung. Der naturgemäße Arbeitslohn und dessen Verhältniß zum Zinsfuß und zur Landrente. Ibid., 1850-63.
Dritter Theil. Grundsätze zur Bestimmung der Bodenrente [...]. Ibid., 1863.
Thünen's "Isolated State" is recognized as one of the greatest achievements of scientific economics in the 19th century, praised for its exposition of the basic principles of spatial economics as well as for its application of rigorous mathematical methods to the theory of marginal productivity. The first part originally appeared in 1826 and the present second edition is the only edition revised by the author.
Boards a bit rubbed, extremeties somewhat worn. Small name stamp of Hinrich Döscher, Hainmühlen, to title and half-title of first part. Some mild foxing and browning as common, but generally very good. "A landmark contribution to the economics of agriculature" (Books That Made Europe, p. 200).
Kress C.5974. Einaudi has the 3rd edition of 1875 only. Theocharis p. 113-119.