Interest van Holland, ofte gronden van Hollands-welvaren.
8vo. (16), 267, (5) pp.
(Bound after) II: [The same]. Historie der gravelike regering in Holland. [No place or date, ca. 1662]. (16), 264 pp. Title-page engraved. Includes, from p. 207 onwards (with separate half-title): Grondig berigt van 't Nederlands oproer, zo onder de hertogin van Parma, als den hertog van Alba. Rebound in slightly oversized full vellum.
€ 1.500,00
First edition of "Interest", the author's chief work on political economy: an analysis of the miraculous economic success of Holland, the leading province of the Dutch Republic. De la Court establishes the economic and political principles on which that success was based, identifying free competition and the republican form of government as the leading factors contributing to the wealth and power of his home country. The book still counts as one of the 17th and 18th centuries' preeminent textbooks of economic and political freedom.
Bound with this is a variant edition of same author's anti-monarchist history of the Netherlands, which appeared in the same year. The Dutch economist and businessman Pieter de la Court (1618-85) pioneered modern thinking about the economic importance of free competition and was an uncompromising advocate of republicanism.
Inner hinges broken, but still an attractive volume.
I: Wildenberg 1041.
II: Wildenberg 1052. OCLC 914270513.