Migneret, Pierre Jean. La science des jeunes négocians et teneurs de livres; ou cours complet d'instructions élémentaires sur les operations du commerce en marchandises et banque.

Paris, Richard, Caille & Ravier et Maradan, an VII (1798/99).

Oblong 8vo. 2 vols. XII, XLVIII, 388 pp. (4), 482 pp. With an engraved calligraphic plate in the preliminaries of vol. 1. Contemporary full calf, spines gilt with labels. All edges red.


First edition. The complete first volume and the first part of the second are dedictated to simple and double entry bookkeeping. The remainder of the second volume pertains to bills of exchange and to weights and measures, adapted to the new system introduced by the National Convention in the year II (1793/94). The preface provides a short review of earlier literature on the subject. This is followed by a dictionary of terms used in commerce, navigation and banking.

Bindings a little rubbed. Includes the final leaf in vol. 2 with printed labels to be cut out and pasted on the wrapper spines by the bookbinder.


HAL p. 161. Not in Kress, Goldsmiths' or Goldsmiths'-Kress.

Art.-Nr.: BN#48639 Schlagwörter: , , ,