Reisen von Wien über Belgrad bis Kilianova, durch die Butschiack-Tartarey über Cavschan, Bender, durch die Nogev-Tartarey in die Crimm, dann von Kaffa nach Konstantinopel, nach Smirna und durch den Archipelagum nach Triest und Wien, in den Jahren 1768, 1769, und 1770. Nebst einem Anhange von dern besondern Merkwürdigkeiten der Crimmischen Tartarey. Zweyte und vermehrte Auflage.
8vo. (8), 280 pp. With 11 views on 9 folding engraved plates. Contemporary boards with giltstamped spine label.
€ 2.000,00
Second edition of the Viennese merchant's travelogue, the first unabridged edition and also the first to contain the fine engraved illustrations. Kleemann (1736-1801) gives a detailed account of his travels from Vienna to Crimea, on to Constantinople, Izmir (Smyrna) and Trieste until reaching his destination, Kiliya (Kilianova) in the Ukraine, then an important merchants' city in the Danube delta. The plates include views of Kiliya, Kavschan and Caffa, while also depicting the Iron Gates, the Dardanelles and the seraglio in Bakhchysarai. The principal part of the volume is dedicated to descriptions of the places visited en route, providing insights into the everyday life of an 18th century traveller. In the appendix, the author discusses the type of government in Tartary, the relations between the nobility and the Khans in Crimea, nutrition, jurisdiction, religion and economy, concluding with information on Turkish measurements, weights and currency. The final pages contain a translation of the first page of the firman issued for Kleemann, allowing him to travel without let or hindrance and waiving all tolls.
Paper slightly brownstained, otherwise well preserved. Provenance: Unidentified early 19th century monogram stamp to title page. Later in the library of the Swedish collector and goldsmith Christian Hammer (1818-1905) with his bookplate on front pastedown; ultimately removed from the library of the Viennese collector Werner Habel (his ownership stamp, dated 1977, to front pastedown).
VD 18, 10541721. Wurzbach XII, 37. Weber II, 561. Chatzipanagioti-Sangmeister 488.