Autograph medical manuscript (lecture transcript).
8vo. 276 numbered ff., written on both sides, with 10 pp. of index at the end. Italian cursive on paper. Contemporary limp vellum over cardboard, one of two clasps. Sprinkled edges.
€ 2.800,00
Full transcript of a lecture from Ricciardelli's medical training at the University of Naples. An introduction, covering four topics: "De natura et praestantia medicinae", "De obiecto medicinae", "Quotnam in partes medicina dividatur", and "Quaenam disciplina nobilior medica ne, an iuridica?", is followed by the six chapters, "De physiologia", "De principis generationis humani corporis", "De temperamentis", "De spiritibus", "De humoribus", and "De facultatibus animae". Avicenna is mentioned several times, for example on p. 227 verso, regarding the tempers and the production of "pituita" (phlegm), or p. 231 recto and verso, within the discussion of melancholy. The writer, who would go on to graduate as a doctor of medicine, signs his name at the beginning of the second and third chapter as Nicolaus (Leonardus) Ricciardelli from Pescho Constanzo (Pescocostanzo, in the Province of L'Aquila in Italy's Abruzzo region). The beginning of the third chapter is dated X calendas Martii (20 February) 1681.
Vellum of upper cover repaired; a very well-preserved, well-legible specimen.
For Ricciardelli cf. Memorie intorno alla origine e progresso di Pesco Costanzo (Monte Cassino 1866), p. 159.