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"Last night's Benefit at the Park Theatre"
Brief mit eh. U.
2 SS. 4to.
Dankbrief an Philip Hone, den ehemaligen Bürgermeister von New York und "man of great prominence in New York society", an den Verleger George Pope Morris und an einen Thomas Barry, geschrieben während ihrer triumphalen Amerikatournee, die sie als erste weibliche europäische Künstlerin in den Jahren 1840 bis 1842 durch Nordamerika und Kuba führte: "I have been informed that you have very kindly consented to take charge of the various sums collected in behalf of the theatrical fund of New York. The ready zeal and generous indifference you display to the trouble and responsibility of such a charge entitles you not alone to the grateful thanks of the recipients of this bounty but to the respect of all friends of philanthropy. Permit me to make my humble contribution, the net proceeds of last night's Benefit at the Park Theatre, to this worthy object, with the expression of my ardent hope that this Institution will grow and prosper like a goodly tree, and that hungry thousands may partake the fruits thereof [...]."