Mossadegh, Mohammad. Message de Monsieur le Dr. Mossadegh Premier Ministre de l'Iran aux etudiants iraniens résidant à l'étranger.

Tehran, no publisher, 13. VI. 1951.

4to. 6, (1), 5, 4 pp. In French, English and Persian. Contemporary printed wrappers.


Exceedingly rare article defending the oil nationalisation movement in Iran. Directed at Iranian students in the West, the account aims to clarify "the misunderstandings that prevail in the countries where you study", describing the injustice of foreign oil exploration in Iran leading up to several nationalisation laws passed between 1944 and 1951, which prohibited any concessions being granted to foreigners.

Somewhat dampstained near upper gutter. No more than 3 copies traceable in libraries internationally (all at the Mossadegh Foundation in Geneva).

Art.-Nr.: BN#57174 Schlagwörter: , ,