Die Wertbemessung des Diphtherieheilserums und deren theoretische Grundlagen.
(2), 34 SS. Bedr. Originalbroschur. 8vo.
€ 3.800,00
Sonderdruck aus dem Klinischen Jahrbuch mit eigenh. Widmung und U. ("P Ehrlich") an den Frankfurter Oberbürgermeister Franz Adickes ("in vorzüglichster Hochachtung gewidmet").
"This was the beginning of the concept of biological standardization. The first exposition of Ehrlich's side-chain theory appeared in this paper" (Garrison/M.). "Ehrlich's debt to structural chemistry is perhaps nowhere better illustrated among his immunological publications than in his famous paper of 1897, describing how diphtheria toxin and antitoxin interact and the method of their measurement. Not only did he postulate that immunological specificity was due to a unique stereochemical relationship between the active sites on antigen and antibody, he introduced also the concepts of affinity and of functional domains on the antibody molecule. This work provided the taproot from which the field of immunochemistry later grew; he would be famous for this contribution alone. But Ehrlich also appended to this study a theory of the basis for antibody formation, an inclusion that assured the report a unique position in the history of immunology" (Silverstein, A History of Immunology, SS. 64f.).
Etwas fingerfleckig und angestaubt, Reste von Signaturschildchen; Titel verso gestempelt.
Garrison/Morton 5064.