Arabic manuscript of Euclid's Elements

Euclid / [Al-Tusi, Nasir al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad (transl.)]. Kitab tahrir usul li-Uqlidus [Elements].

Central Asia, ca. 1580 / 16th century CE.

4to (162 x 252 mm). Arabic manuscript on oriental paper. 165 ff. (including several interleaves), ca. 12-14 lines, per extensum. Black ink with occasional words and punctuations in red. With numerous red and black ink diagrams in the text and margins. Contemporary leather, restored and spine rebacked.


16th century Arabic manuscript of Euclid's famous "Elements of Geometry", the "oldest mathematical textbook in the world still in common use today" (PMM). The translation is by the great Persian polymath Nasir ad-Din at-Tusi (1201-74), after whom the lunar crater "Nasireddin" is named. Written in Central Asia, this manuscript comprises only the first ten books rather than the usual thirteen.

Some browning and occasional light waterstains to paper. The fully restored binding uses the original cover material.


GAL I, 510, 23.