[Gilly - Prefecture of the Department of Mont-Blanc]. - Mayan, Pierre, treasurer (fl. 1800). Printed document with handwritten entries signed.

Chambery (Mercury Gémilly), 23. III. 1803.

4to. Ca. 9 pp. on 5 ff., of which two bifolia sewn and one loose leaf. Original wrappers.


Purchase contract from a national real estate sale concerning mills (including the mill of Aidier) and dependencies to Joseph Bertrand de Chamousset, baron de Gilly, auctioned for 1745 francs: "Consiste en moulins et dependances de la contenance d'un hectare trente huit ares [...] Consistant en batimens, artifices, près, champs et placeage [...]".

The sale of sequestered national assets of "second origin" was meant both to sanction "enemies" and to resolve the financial crises caused by the Revolution. After the possessions of the clergy, king, nobles, schools, juridical and administrational institutions was seized, this second step included the property of emigrants such as Chamousset. In 1802 Bonaparte had proclaimed the restitution of unsold emigrant properties.

Signed twice by the secretary general Palluel of the Prefecture of the Department of Mont-Blanc, countersigned and verified by an additional, unidentified hand.

The inserted loose leaf shows four acknowledged receipts for the next four of five instalments of 349 francs each, two of which are signed by the treasurer (receveur des domaines) Pierre Mayan, the other by an unidentified predecessor in that same office, dating from 1805 to 1807.

With several revenue stamps. Slight foxing and duststaining; small defects to margins.

Art.-Nr.: BN#61071 Schlagwort: