Köbel, Jakob. Rechenbuch, auff Linien und Ziffern, für die junge angehende Schüler. Mit einem leichten Visirbüchlein, klar und verstendlich fürgeben. Gerechnet Büchlin, auff alle Wahr und Kauffmannschafft, Münz, Gewicht, Elen, und Maß, vier Land und Stett verglichen.

Frankfurt, (Christian Egenolffs Erben), 1584.

(12), 193, (1) Bll. Titel in rot und schwarz gedruckt. Mit Titelholzschnitt und zahlreichen Textillustrationen in Holzschnitt. Zeitgenöss. Kalbslederband, die Deckel mit schlichten Streicheisenlinien und Fleuronstempeln. 8vo (100 x 166 mm).


Späte, vom Originalverlag Egenolff stark umgearbeitete Ausgabe des erstmals 1531 erschienenen "New geordenet künstlich Rechennbüchlins", hier auch ausführlich zu Messverfahren, astronomischen Berechnungen und Kaufmannsrechnung sowie Münzumrechnung (dazu zahlreiche Münzholzschnitte am Ende des Bandes). "Köbel published many different editions of his arithmetic books. He was the main source of instructional books on the topic until he died. At that time Adam Riese (who had been introduced to Köbel’s work and used it as a model for his own) took over supplying the German market. Sometimes Köbel combined his arithmetic (which was rewritten from time to time) with works on other subjects such as gauging [...] In this edition the arithmetic is combined with calendar computations, surveying, gauging and other applications" (Tomash & Williams). "Köbel, the son of a goldsmith from Heidelberg, studied at the university there. From the time he graduated in 1480 to when he obtained a second degree in law in 1491, he was evidently in the book trade, but little else is known of his life. It is thought that he also studied in Cracow, and some have claimed he was a student there at the same time as Copernicus (the Rector of the university was Mathias de Cobilyno, so it is possible that there was some relationship). He became established as a publisher, ninety-six works being attributed to him by the article in the DSB. Initially, he published other authors, but later in life he began to do his own work, principally the many different editions of his book on arithmetic. He was not only a famous rechenmeister but also a skilled painter and engraver" (ibid., p. 722).


Aus einer alten tschechischen Privatsammlung mit Stempel "Ex libris gentilis L'achki" am hinteren Innendeckel.


Lederband an Ecken und Kanten stark bestoßen. Vorsätze fehlen, Besitzvermerke am Titel tektiert, das Papier öfter etwas wasserrandig bzw. lappig.


VD 16, K 1667. Smith 102. Nicht in der Slg. Plimpton. Vgl. Tomash & Williams K 61 (Ausg. 1531).

Art.-Nr.: BN#61640 Schlagwörter: , ,