The Cause of the Heavy Burdens of Great Britain, and of her National Debt, Comprising a Rapid Survey of Some of the Great Events Especially Connected with the Finances of British History During the Last Hundred and Fifty Years. Second Edition Revised.
London, Harvey and Darton, 1843.
Small 8vo (110 x 186 mm). 12 pp. With a lithographed folding plate. Original printed pink wrappers.
€ 80,00
Second edition, revised from that of 1836. The folding frontispiece, not present in the first edition, forms a table showing the "British National Debt, funded and unfunded, stated in millions of pounds sterling" from 1689 to 1843.
Attributed to John Allen (1790-1859) of Liskeard, Cornwall. Well preserved.
Goldsmiths'-Kress 33292. OCLC 19465227.