The art of breeding Arabian horses in Europe

Sind, Johann von. Gründlicher Unterricht von der Pferdezucht und Anlegung der Gestütte [...].

Frankfurt & Leipzig, Heinrich Ludwig Brönner, 1769.

8vo. (30), 234 pp. With 2 numbered folding engraved plates. Contemporary half calf over marbled boards.


First edition. Introduction to horse breeding prepared by one of the most prolific writers on equestrian matters in 18th century Germany with particular attention to the cross-breeding of European and Arabian horses.

Intended as a guide to noblemen and stud-farm owners, the book describes the unique qualities of foreign breeds, not failing to point out that to obtain an Arabian horse is somewhat of a luxury considering their price and the effort of transfer from the Arabian desert to the European continent. Includes illustrated observations on suitable stable construction, as well as some expert advice on veterinary matters.

Well preserved.


Huth 43. Schrader 1708. VD18: 10169776. Not in de la Lance.

Art.-Nr.: BN#63749 Schlagwörter: ,