La Mer Rouge, l'Abyssinie et l'Arabie. Tome 2: Les guerres du poivre. Les Portugais dans l'Océan Indien et la Mer Rouge au XVIe siècle. Histoire de la cartographie orientale.
Folio (280 x 360 mm). 2 parts in 2 vols. (4), XVI, 262 pp. (2), 263-555, (1) pp. With large colour map, 169 plates (15 in colour, including 13 large portolan facsimiles) and 95 text illustrations. Contemporary half cloth with original printed covers and spines.
€ 850,00
Important study of Near-Eastern travel routes, also including Mecca and oriental cartography. Only vol. 2 (out of 3, published 1929-52), published as no. 16 in the series "Mémoires de la Société Royale de Géographie d'Égypte". Inscribed and signed on the title page by the author to the French psychiatrist Pierre Janet (1859-1947): "A Monsieur le Dr. Pierre Janet membre de l'Institut en témoinage de haute estime et d'admiration [...]" (Paris, 7 Nov. 1937); Janet's autograph ownership on front flyleaf. Janet, a great bibliophile, was a member of the Institut de France since 1913; he is credited with coining the words ‘dissociation’ and ‘subconscious’ and was an important forerunner of Sigmund Freud.
Spine of the first volume beginning to split; covers show slight staining (more pronounced in second volume), with occasional browning to margins.
Macro, Bibliography of the Arabian Peninsula, 1339. Henze II, 315 (s. v. Estevâo da Gama). OCLC 2891592.