Sinbad the Sailor

[Alf layla wa-layla - French]. Machuel, L[ouis] (ed.). Les Voyages de Sindebad le Marin. Texte arabe extrait des Mille et une nuits.

Algiers, Adolphe Jourdan, 1884.

8vo. 2 parts in 1 volume. (8), 119, (1) pp. (4), 158, (2) pp. Publisher's original printed auburn cloth with gilt spine.


Second edition of the original Arabic text, revised and corrected; first published in 1874. "Chaque page entourée d'un double filet vermillon" (Chauvin). The text and vocabulary, lithographed throughout, are hand-drawn by E. Ducret, "Diplomé de première classe". A clean copy.


Chauvin VII, p. 3. NYPL Arabia Coll. 187. OCLC 4433368.

Art.-Nr.: BN#33931 Schlagwörter: ,