Austrian war ships in the Middle East

Vimercati, Caesar. Die kaiserlich königliche österreichische Marine im Oriente. Geschichtlicher Rückblick auf das Jahr 1840.

Vienna, P. P. Mechitaristen, 1845.

8vo. 64 pp. Original printed wrappers.


Caesar Vimercati describes his experiences on board of "La Guerriera" during the year 1840 and provides descriptions of Constantinople, Alexandria, Beirut, Saida, Acre, etc. Austrian warships had their first military encounters during the Oriental Crisis of 1840 as a part of a British-led fleet which ousted the Viceroy of Egypt, Muhammad Ali, from Ottoman Syria. Archduke Friedrich took part in the campaign personally and was awarded the Military Order of Maria Theresa for his exceptional leadership: "Es ist allgemein bekannt, daß um diese Zeit, und zwar genau am 15. Juli zu London eine Uebereinkunft zwischen den Repräsentanten der vier Großmächte England, Rußland, Preußen und Oesterreich geschlossen worden war, welche die Bezwingung der maßlosen Eroberungssucht Mehemed Ali's zum Zwecke hatte […] ".

Wrappers slightly dust-soiled, brownstaining to paper throughout, otherwise a good copy.


OCLC 797734900. Not in Kalemkiar or in Kat. der k. k. Kriegsbibliothek.