Slave Trade. No. 2 (1876). Circulars respecting Slaves in Foreign Countries addressed to British Military or Naval Officers.
London, Harrison & Sons, 1876.
(2), 8 pp. Folio. Sewn.
€ 850,00
Including a Circular on the receipt of fugitive slaves in the Arabian Gulf: "If, while your ship is in the territorial waters of any Chief or State in Arabia, or on the shores of the [...] Gulf, or on the East Coast of Africa, or in any island lying off Arabia, or off such coast or shores, including Zanzibar, Madagascar, and the Comoro Islands, any person should claim admission to your ship and protection on the ground that he has been kept in the state of slavery contrary to the Treaties existing between Great Britain and the territory, you may receive him until the truth of his statement is examined into [...]".
Well preserved.