Durand, Auguste, French music publisher, organist, and composer (1830-1909). Autograph letter signed.

Lancy, 16. IX. 1861.

8vo. 4 pp. on bifolium. Stationery with gilt numismatic letterhead.


To a scholar regarding Charles Roach Smith's archaeological work "Collecteana antiqua", published from 1848 to 1880, and its availability at the library of the Society of Antiquaries in Zurich, as well as his own numismatic collection: "I received from you about the 20th of last month a package cont[aining] N. 4 Vol. 5 of the Collectanea for the Baron de Bonstetten, for the Society of Antiquaries of Zurich [...] I immediately forwarded the two copies to their different addresses, they have both been duly received. On my return I wrote to Dr. Keller [the archaeologist Ferdinand Keller, 1800-81] President of the Society of Antiquaries of Zurich, stating your reclamation. This morning I received a note from Mr. Siegfried, Librarian to the Society, I here send you his note verbatim [...] This does not seem very clear to me as there are no parts 7 or 8 in the volumes and I am very certain that I have forwarded more than part 1 of Vol. 5, since I am here, & he makes no mention of No. 4 which I have just sent. The missing numbers have possibly been mislaid, or lent out to some of the Members who have not returned them. If they have only got what is above stated, it leaves a wide gap for you to fill up. Should you have any further reclamations to make to the Society I hope you will freely dispose of my services. My collection of Numismatists goes on swimmingly. I have now nearly 200 medals of this class [...] I am still failing a few German Numismatists but these I don't despair of, as I am continually in Correspondance with Vienna, Berlin etc. [...]".

With 2 strips of old mounting tape on verso.