Rohloff, Otto, German sculptor (1863-1919). Autograph quotation signed.

Tarasp, 12. VII. 1913.

Oblong 8vo (postcard). 1 page.


Inscribed to the German dermatologist Alwin Scharlau: "Leider erhielt ich Ihre Karte erst hier in den Bergen. Sende Ihnen von hier meine Empfehlung [...]".

Active at the Berlin Kunstgewerbeschule, Rohloff's main works include a bronze bust of German Emperor Wilhelm II as well as the crozier presented to the new abbess of Drübeck monastery in 1906.

Traces of postmarks; small ink spots; a little fingerstained. Self-addressed by the collector on the reverse. The Mecklenburg physician Scharlau (b. 1888) assembled a collection of artists' autographs by personal application.

Art.-Nr.: BN#55157 Schlagwörter: ,