Igor Strawinsky on a missed luncheon and money matters
Autograph manuscript signed.
Paris, 30. VI. 1928.
4to. 1 page, watermarked 'Victory Extra Strong'. Written in pencil.
€ 4.500,00
A note for a hasty departure and a missed luncheon, addressed to "Monsieur Paris" and signed by Strawinsky. Strawinsky writes to ask that matters of sums and business be sent "à la Maison Pleyel". Somewhat unusually, while in Paris Strawinsky earned extra income by writing arrangements for the piano design company Pleyel, and was particularly interested in their player pianos. To his recipient, Strawinsky apologizes, "excusez moi mon griffonage" and concludes, "P.S. J'ai beaucoup regretté que ne pas pouvoir déjeuner avec vous aujourdhui", ending with a second abbreviated signature.
Gently creased along folds.