Haqiqat al-Kuwayt [The Truth about Kuwait] (2).
8vo. 46, (2) pp. Arabic text. Original printed wrappers, stapled.
€ 1.000,00
First edition. The second of two rare pamphlets published by the Iraqi government, opposing the independence of Kuwait. The first pamphlet, published in English and Arabic, outlined Kuwait's historical connection to Iraq and analysed its "imperialist relations" with Britain. This second one, in Arabic throughout, prints the minutes of the Political Affairs Committee of the Arab League, which met in Cairo on 20 July 1961 to consider Kuwait's request to join the League.
Kuwait emerged as an independent state in June 1961, after sixty-two years as a British protectorate. With a new constitution, it held its first parliamentary elections in 1963, thereby becoming the first Arab state in the Gulf to establish a parliament. Such political developments, married with growing wealth and modernisations in health, culture and finance, helped to make Kuwait the most prosperous state in the Arabian Peninsula.
The Iraqi government argued that the move toward independence was a continuation of Kuwait's relationship with Britain, albeit under a new guise. Furthermore, they felt that the historical links between Iraq and Kuwait entitled the former to control over the latter and, one suspects, a share of its growing wealth. This position, partly detailed in the pamphlet, led to a point of crisis, with Iraq threatening invasion. To the relief of Kuwait, the Iraqis were eventually deterred by the Arab League's promise of military opposition.
Wrappers a little dusty, two thick black lines to upper wrapper, seemingly erasing stamp, another stamp partially visible to lower wrapper (most likely a bookseller's name and address, "Baghdad" is legible). Interior clean and bright.
Rare: LibraryHub locates one copy in the UK at the British Library; OCLC locates copies in Harvard, the University of Toronto, and the NYU Abu Dhabi.
OCLC 219629380.