Manuscript of al-Suyuti's work on prophetic medicine
Al-Tibb al-Nabawi [Prophetic Medicine].
Large 8vo (165 x 240 mm). 122 ff. Arabic manuscript on paper. 17 lines of black ink with occasional important words and phrases picked out in red. Contemporary burgundy leather ruled and stamped in blind, marbled endpapers.
€ 15.000,00
A medical manuscript by one of the leading figures of medieval science, Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (1445-1505). Al-Suyuti was an enormously prolific polymath whose "versatility stands out as unique in the history of Arabic literature" (cf. GAL II, 144). Most printed editions of Al-Tibb al-Nabawi seem to be falsely attributed to Dhahabi, making this manuscript copy, with the correct attribution, of particular interest. Indeed, it is considered one of al-Suyuti's notable works, and comprises the popular and important genre of prophetic medicine, one of the many fields in which al-Suyuti was informed and wrote in the medieval period.
Light exterior wear, with remarkably tidy and clear script.
GAL II, p. 147, no. 41.