Hassan, A. A. Sixth Arab Petroleum Congress. Organized by the Secretariat General of the League of Arab States. Baghdad March 6th - 13th 1967. Paper No. 39 (B-3).

(Cairo, Les Editions Universitaires d'Egypte), 1967.

4to. 8 pp. With 10 numbered plates, 2 of which folding. Original printed wrappers.


Geological paper presented at the Sixth Arab Petroleum Congress, exploring a newly discovered carboniferous occurence in Abu Durba on the Sinai Peninsula. The paper argues that this was the first discovery to suggest the occurence of Permian rocks in the area. The detailed plates comprise geologic maps of the Sinai, detailing various percentages of rock types, including sandstone, shale, and limestone. The folding plates depict stratigraphic correlation between several research areas, and a columnar section of the palaeozoic fomations in Abu Durba.

Front cover somewhat spotty; otherwise fine.


Cf. OCLC 25984378.

Art.-Nr.: BN#62041 Schlagwörter: , , ,