Ansary, S. E. / Andrawis, Samir F. / Fahmy, Saad E. Fourth Arab Petroleum Congress: Organized by the Secretariat General of the League of Arab States, Beirut. Paper No. 24 (B-3).

(Cairo, Les Editions Universitaires d'Egypte), [1963].

4to. 17, (3). With 5 numbered plates in the text. Original printed wrappers. Stapled.


Rare scientific paper on the biostratigraphic structure in the wells operated by the General Petroleum Company in the Eastern Desert and Sinai. A well-founded analysis of the substages of this stratigraphic section accompanied by a location map of Rahmi, Bakr and Kareem oil fields on the Gulf of Suez, as well as several geological charts. Prepared by S. E. Ansary, Deputy Exploration Manager of General Petroleum, along with two leading geologists.

Somewhat creased, front wrapper and first page insignificantly waterstained. A good copy.


OCLC 785094914.

Art.-Nr.: BN#62082 Schlagwörter: , , ,