Ibn al-Farid. Diwan Ibn al-Farid.

No place, [1709 CE] = 1121 H.

8vo (135 x 200 mm). 38 ff. (lacking 2 ff.). Arabic manuscript on paper. Black naksh script in 21 lines and 2 columns, with headings in red, text ruled in red. Brown leather ruled and stamped in blind.


A fine early 18th century manuscript of the celebrated poet and mystic Ibn al-Farid, containing his acclaimed verses written in the style of qasa'id (ode), dubayt (couplet), and algaz (riddles). The poems are written out in two columns, set within double (and sometimes single) rule borders, each poem beginning with a heading in red ink. The manuscript was completed on 22 Rabi' II 1121 (1 July 1709 CE) by the scribe al-Sayyid 'Abd al-Karim bin al-Sayyid Muhammad.

A native of Cairo, Ibn al-Farid (1181-1235) was known as the greatest mystic poet in Arabic literature. He received a good education from an early age, and in his youth became interested in Sufism, spending the rest of his life living according to Sufi doctrines. The influence of Sufism and mysticism is also apparent in his poetry, which mostly expresses his mystic journey toward divine love. He was well-appreciated during his lifetime but chose a modest life, rejecting invitations and glorifications from rulers. His "diwan" was collected posthumously by his grandson 'Ali, and all current editions depends on this compilation. Ali also wrote a biography of his grandfather which some manuscripts (though not this example) include as an introduction. The order of poems is similar to that of other manuscripts (e.g., BnF Arabe 3155), starting with the qa'said yaiyye and ending with couplets.


Ink smudges and edge flaws, browning and stains, occasionally concerning the text. Two pages missing (25, 34). Binding and spine professionally repaired.

Art.-Nr.: BN#63134 Schlagwörter: , ,