173 yil önce yapilmis gravürlerle bir hac töreni [A Pilgrimage With Engravings Made 173 Years Ago].
[Turkey, Hayat Magazine, 1963].
253 x 333 - 500 x 677 mm (folded out).
€ 150,00
Four reproductions of early views of Mekka and Medina, printed in the Turkish magazine "Hayat" to commemorate the 1790 Hajj pilgrimage. The largest view, based on an engraving by Berthauld after Ignace Mouradgea d'Ohsson, shows Mecca with a seemingly endless stream of pilgrims approaching the city. The other illustrations show the city of Medina, a Surrah Procession preparing to pass from Besiktas to Üsküdar, and the ceremony held at Topkapi Palace for the departure of the Surrah treasure to Mecca.
Includes a large, brightly coloured historical depiction of the holy precints in Mecca and Medina, also reproduced by "Hayat" (500 x 679 mm).