Tamisier, Maurice. Voyage en Arabie. Séjour dans le Hedjaz. Campagne d'Assir.

Paris, Louis Desessart, 1840.

8vo. 2 pts. in 1 vol. (4), 399, (1) pp. (4), 402 pp. With folding engr. map. Contemporary marbled half calf with giltstamped title to spine.


First edition; rare.

The work of a sympathetic observer who made an extraordinary journey. Tamisier accompanied the Egyptian forces to Arabia in 1833/34 as chief of the Medical Corps. Bearded and in Arab dress, he visited areas never seen by a westerner before. The author describes Jeddah and the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina from different parts of the Muslim world, as well as Ta’if, the Asir region, the Bedouins of Outeiba and Khamis Moushait, etc. Tamisier was offered the post of secretary to the chief medical officer of the punitive expedition against the Wahhabis. He focuses on the country he saw and the people he encountered on his journey from Jeddah into the Nejd and south to the borders of Yemen, taking particular interest in the medical conditions of the populace.

Binding slightly rubbed. The Burrell copy fetched £2,000 at Sotheby's in 1999 (lot 801).


Macro, Bibliography of the Arabian Peninsula, 2163. Weber IV, 279. Gay 3608. NYPL Arabia coll. 172. OCLC 2569222. Not in Atabey or Blackmer.