[Kitab-i parisan - Kelliyat Hakim Qa'ani].
(4), 48, 395, (2)-24, (3) pp. Contemporary calf. Folio (240 x 340 mm).
€ 500,00
Second edition of the "Kitab-i parisan" ("Book of Confusion") by Habibollah Farsi Qa'ani (Mirza Habib Qa'ani, 1808-54), "King of Poets" under Shah Qajar (r. 1848-96). "The work encompasses 113 anecdotes and 33 'pand' (precepts or maxims), often interspersed with little poems. Many anecdotes contain rules of conduct and practical advice for life, in others the author treats of everyday events and points out failures of contemporary society, such as hypocritical clerics, pompous judges, corrupt officials, and crooked tradesmen. In his maxims, the author discusses the state and its ruler, who is above all law and moral confines. Notoriously, some anecdotes feature drunkards, vagabonds, pedophiles, and unfaithful wives; others describe in detail sultry scenes of the kind that must have been popular at the Shah's court" (cf. KNLL).
Binding rubbed. Interior partially browned and with tears; several repairs (some with tape). Rare; only 3 copies in OCLC (Edinburgh, Göttingen, Berlin).
KNLL XIII, 771. OCLC 606386695, 837880646, 251660601.